Page 65 of Made in Vengeance

I hadn’t really interacted with the man since we’d officially met, but he was important to my men, no matter how much Nikolay wanted to deny it.

Gently, he took the notebook from me, smiling a bit. Looking down, he read what I wrote.

Congratulations on the opening of your strip club. It’s really beautiful.

His voice was soft when he said, “Thank you, sweetheart. A lot of work has been put into this, and I’m glad you like it.”

A small smile appeared on my lips, and I nodded as Gabriel handed the notebook back to me.

I narrowed my gaze on Nikolay, daring him to try to take the notebook from me. He sat back in his seat, grumbling something under his breath that I didn’t hear, and I faced forward, feeling pleased with myself.

I caught Mikhail’s eyes over Damien, and he smiled at me, making me feel even better about what I had just done.

It was a simple thing, but it felt momentous for me, considering I had been raised my whole life to be nothing more than a trophy on my father’s arm. As much as it frustrated my father to the point of anger, my mutism had worked out for him well in public, all things considered.

The two women finished up their performances and were now receiving applause from the audience.

I clapped along, finding my smile for the first time. I wondered if this was what we were doing all night, and what was more, I didn’t hate it.

An impeccably dressed man came out onto the stage. He had a charming smile and one of those handsome faces that was as pleasing to look at as it was forgettable.

Not out-of-this-world handsome like Nikolay, but handsome in a generic way.

I didn’t listen to him talk as Bianca returned with our drinks.

She placed the glass of orange juice in front of me, smiling before walking away.

I grabbed it and took a sip. I couldn’t even remember what I’d had to drink today … or eat, for that matter.

But I didn’t have to worry about food for long since almost as soon as I had thought about it, two people came up to us and placed plate after plate of finger food.

Damien grabbed a small plate, filled it with what looked like spicy crab salad tapas, and gave it to me. I smiled my thanks and ate while the audience clapped as another woman came out, wearing a thin triangle bralette that almost looked see-through in the light and a small black thong.

She came over to the pole on center stage and began her performance, moving up and down the pole in an expert move that had me gasping. I didn’t think anyone could be that flexible, but this woman was. And though she was tall, she didn’t look lanky or awkward.

She was also wearing what appeared to be five-inch heels, and there was something truly graceful about her.

I could never be like that.

An uncomfortable feeling settled in my chest.

I was sure being powerful, rich, and incredibly handsome in their world meant that Damien, Mikhail, and Nikolay had many women chasing them. How the hell could I ever hold their attention?

Damien wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as if he knew what I was thinking.

He was facing front but looking directly at me.

“You’re missing the show,” I said quietly.

“What show? I think I would rather watch you.”

I looked down at my lap. “I can’t do that.”

I could hear the amusement in his voice when he responded, “When did I ask you to, pet?”

I shrugged. “All the women here are beautiful and graceful.”

“Yet I wouldn’t trade my shy, awkward pet for any of them.”