Page 170 of Made in Vengeance

Luca met my eyes, hatred burning in them. Did he think we were stupid? We knew he’d planted more than one bomb. This was his modus operandi.

How fucking predictable.

“Good,” I said.


Luca hung up. Leo pulled off to the side of the road and held up his gun at my head.

“Where?” Luca asked.

“My left bicep and left thigh.”

“You crazy fucker.”

He pulled out his knife and cut my clothes, getting to the bomb. I didn’t make a single noise as he reopened the wounds I had made to shove the bombs in there, blood gushing out.

“You don’t get to fucking die so easily,” he said, doing a makeshift tourniquet above the wounds with his tie and my belt.

He pulled out another handcuff from the side of the car door.

I looked at him and grinned, reveling in the fear I saw in his eyes.

“Do you dream of me?” I taunted. “Do you get nightmares from the shit I did to you? Reliving it over and over again. Never to escape?”

I knew I guessed right when his eyes shifted a bit.

He hated me as much as he feared me.

For the last five years, I had been haunting his nightmares, making him relieve the cuts and blows I had delivered to his body over and over. And the fire. The fucking fire.

“Shut up! Shut up!”

I laughed.

When his eyes shifted away, I smacked my forehead against his nose. Blood gushed out, and he screamed.

I met Leo’s eye and grabbed the gun before he could pull the trigger. I aimed it at Luca and pulled the trigger, but I was shooting blanks. The gun was empty. Leo laughed. He knew I would get out of this. He had been holding an empty gun to my head this whole time. Before he could react, I threw the gun away, and used the handcuff to strangle him from behind.

He struggled out of my hold, but I pulled harder, ignoring the pain in my broken thumb, wanting to fucking kill him.

I would have succeeded if Leo didn’t reach for the gear shift turning it to drive while pressing his foot on the gas pedal. The car ran into a tree. I slammed forward against the back of his seat as Leo gasped for breath. I didn’t wait. I reached forward from the side, pressed the button to unlock the door, and opened it.

I came to the driver’s side and opened the door, pulling Leo out by the scruff of his shirt.

He grunted when I threw him to the ground.

I climbed on top of his body and punched his face over and over until his face was a bloody mess and my knuckles were busted.

Leo’s head fell back to the concrete. He was out cold.

Movement caught my attention, and I turned to see Luca trying to make his escape.

I got up, ignoring the pain in my leg, arm, and thumb.

Rage took control, and nothing else mattered except killing the motherfucker and ensuring he stayed dead.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him back.