Page 143 of Made in Vengeance

My eyes opened, and I looked at him. That was not what I was expecting him to say. I didn’t look like my mom.

She was Russian, which came as a surprise, considering how much Father seemed to hate the Russians, but then again, he had never treated her well.

Never treated her as his wife.

“Your eyes, though. You have your father’s eyes.”

I frowned at him.

What was his game?

“I’m sorry. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Francisco Bianchi.” He paused, swallowing. The breath seemed to be choked out of him. “Catalina. I’m your father.”

I blinked.

It took me a moment to really process his words.

I reel back from him in surprise, and he let me go.

I backed around the other man, and Francisco just looked at me.

Did he just …


“I know this might come as a shock for you, but you really are my daughter. Your mother and I fell in love when I was nothing more than a foot soldier working for the man you’ve come to think of as your father. You probably know this, but the Agnello bastard did not treat your mom right. I had planned on taking her away. Running as far away from this life as possible.”

He closed his eyes, turning his head away from me.

I couldn’t think. Couldn’t take in all this information.

Was he really expecting me to believe the words coming out of his mouth?

When he opened his eyes once more, they seemed clear and free from any emotions.

“We were supposed to run away with you the night he killed her. But someone must have seen her coming out of my apartment the day before, one of his men, and told him. He killed her in his rage and sent men over to me. By some luck, I survived. Not without injury.”

His hand moved up to his temple.

My frown deepened.

His eyes took me in.

“I can see you don’t believe me, nor did I expect you to. Not at first, but I have someone here to see you; perhaps he can convince you otherwise.”

Movement from the doorway caught my attention. I turned as another man came through the door.

I knew that walk.

His face was still encased in shadow, but I was sure I knew who it was.

I let out a small cry when his face was revealed to me, and ignoring everyone else, I ran over to him.

“Shh, Miss. It’s all right.”

I cried harder and wrapped my arms around Roberto’s lean waist, burying my face into his chest.

He wrapped me in his arms, and I felt safe for the first time since I woke up.