I smiled a little when he let out a loud snort before turning his head to the other side. When we pulled up to the house, instead of going to Olivia’s driveway, I parked in Max’s and got out.

He had given me the key to his house earlier today, before I left for my parents’. I thought a part of him was hoping I would show up after. But it was late.

It was way past Hunter’s bedtime, and judging by the darkness in Max’s house, I’d have said he’d already gone to bed as well. I climbed out and left everything but my purse in the car. I would come out and grab Hunter’s things in the morning.

I lifted Hunter up in my arms and moved to the front door. He was almost getting too heavy for me to carry around, but I would carry him for as long as possible.

Sometimes I wished I could just stop time, just for a little while, so Hunter didn’t have to grow up so fast. I tried to cherish these little moments.

I managed to get the door open using one hand and hauled Hunter up in my arms before closing and locking the door behind me.

Then I moved up the stairs and straight to Max’s room.

I smiled when I caught sight of him there in bed, sound asleep.

Carefully, so as not to wake him, I laid Hunter down in the bed before I quietly moved to the restroom and got ready for bed quickly.

By the time I came out of the shower, Hunter had moved closer to Max, and Max had his arms wrapped around Hunter’s little body.

My heart melted at the sight. I wiped away remnants of the tears from earlier and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over us.

Then I fell swiftly into a dreamless sleep.