
“Shut up.”

I gasped and his smile widened. “Did you just tell me to shut up?”

“I did. You were rambling. Not that I didn’t find it adorable, because fuck, I find everything you do adorable, but we need to shut you up before you end up with a stroke.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. Big mistake, since his eyes followed the movement and stayed there. I could feel my nipples pebbling, and I hoped it wasn’t visible through the thin sheets.

I licked my dry lips. “I won’t have a stroke. I’m young and healthy.”

“Yeah?” Something about his tone of voice told me he didn’t even care about this conversation anymore.

“Yeah,” I said, feeling much too warm with the covers on me.

He gripped the sheet, and without saying anything else, pulled them down until my breasts were bare to him.

He said something under his breath I didn’t quite catch. Not with all the blood rushing to my head. Then he pulled my arms away, giving him an unobstructed view of my breasts.

“So beautiful,” he said, running the back of his finger gently over one nipple. I was finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden.

“I love your tits,” he said, cupping one and squeezing a bit.


“Oh, yeah. Everything about these is perfect. Your coloring. The size of your mouth-watering nipples.” He pulled one nipple taut and I let out a small groan. “Even this little freckle here. I would never imagine you would have a freckle in such an intimate area. But I fucking love it.”

He grasped my shoulders with both hands and pulled me in closer to him before he took an aching peak in his mouth.

“Max,” I moaned when he sucked on my nipple. I ran my fingers through his hair and closed my eyes, giving in to the feel of him.

When he used his teeth, it took everything in me not to beg him to take me.

He pushed me down on the bed and moved over my body, bracing his weight on his hands on either side of my head. He looked down at me with a wicked smile before he pulled the sheets off my body and took in every single inch of naked flesh he exposed.

One hand explored my body slowly, from my shoulder down to my breast before making its way over my navel. His fingers traced along the stretch marks I had gotten from carrying Hunter, and he looked at each one with reverence.

I’d never thought my stretch marks were beautiful. In fact, I hadn’t worn a two-piece swimsuit since I gave birth to Hunter, but with the way Max was looking at me now…

I felt beautiful, flaws and all.

“You are beautiful,” he said. He must have read something in my eyes. I was finding it harder and harder to hide anything from him the more time we spent together.

“So beautiful, I want to spend this lifetime worshipping you. And in the next lifetime, and the next, and the next, and still I would be greedy with you. I would be selfish, because I could spend the next a thousand lifetimes with you, and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

I nodded. “Then be selfish with me.”

Heat flared in his eyes and he cupped my pussy with his hand. I spread my legs wider to give him easy access, and he entered two thick fingers inside me. I clenched around him and he groaned.

Then he started to move, and I could feel my legs shaking from the sensation of it. I wasn’t going to last very long, but I didn’t want this to end.

My eyes met his as he quickened his pace, and I could feel my wetness weeping out every time he pulled out of me. “Please don’t stop,” I said.

“I won’t,” he promised darkly, and he didn’t stop. My orgasm surprised me.

I screamed out his name and was thrown off the edge before I knew what was happening, and I didn’t know how to stop. A sliver of fear worked up my spine, such a powerful sensation, and I felt Max shifting my legs before he buried his face between my legs and ate me out.

I cried out as tears sprang to my eyes, still feeling too sensitive. I moved my hands to his shoulder, wanting to push him away, but he held them off as he licked and sucked on my damp folds.