He did growl then, and I grinned.

“You started this,” he said.

My grin only widened, and I watched him move off the bed and shove his pants down all the way. My breathing grew more labored as I took him in naked. He was perfect.

I couldn’t find a single flaw, not with his muscular tanned skin, not with the few dark chest hairs to the happy trail leading to his magnificent penis, and finally, with his powerful legs. What would it feel like to have his hard body pressed in on mine as he fucked me roughly?

Luckily, I was about to find out.

He reached over to the dresser and my thighs clenched when I saw him pull out several condom packets. I raised one eyebrow in amusement, and he chuckled a bit, even if it sounded strained.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. These are for later in the night. I don’t think once tonight will be enough for me, but we might need some recovery time. I’m not a young man anymore.”

“Young man,” I repeated, my lips twisting a bit. “You sound every bit your age.”

I laughed and Max leaned forward and slapped my jeans-clad bottom, making me gasp.

He smirked and quickly pulled my jeans and panties off. I didn’t have time to think before I was fully naked in front of him, and Max was staring at me as if I was his favorite meal.

He moved his hand between my legs, cupping me. I let out a small moan when he began to play with the slick flesh, and I closed my eyes and widened my legs, giving him more access to me.

“Later, when I’m in better control. I’ll take my time,” he said, sounding almost apologetic. I didn’t care if he took his time. I just wanted him. I would have told him that, but then he suddenly pulled my legs, bringing me toward him at the edge of the bed.

My eyes sprang open as I looked at him in surprise. Like this, I was at the perfect angle for him to take me.

His hands moved to the back of my knees and pushed them back until they touched my chest. Like this, everything about me was exposed. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the position, and before I could say anything, he moved one hand down between my legs, from front to back.

I tensed and jumped a little when I felt his touch on me there.



He looked at me as he continued to play with my bottom, not really entering me, but close.

I didn’t say anything anymore. I didn’t know what to say. It felt strange, but I wasn’t totally opposed to it. In fact, the more he played with me, the more aroused I became. So much so, I could feel my slickness seeping out of me and down to his hand. There was no way he hadn’t noticed, but thankfully, he didn’t comment on that.

He gathered up some of my slickness, before he entered a single finger inside of me.

“Relax,” he cooed. “Is this okay?”

Wordless, I nodded.

He moved his fingers, and I let out a small gasp.

“Words, sweetheart. I need the words.”

“Yes,” I told him, my cheeks burning from both my arousal and embarrassment. No man had ever explored so thoroughly there. I let out a stuttered breath as he plumbed his finger inside of me.

I bit my lips to keep from making any sounds, as he looked down at me, taking in his exploration of such a forbidden place in my body,

He pulled away suddenly, and I almost cried out my protest. Max could probably tell, considering there was a knowing look in his eyes.

“Later,” he promised darkly.

I let out a stuttered breath. What did that mean? That he would go back to playing with me there, or that we would go all the way? Did I want that? Oh, who was I kidding? Of course I fucking wanted that.

I wanted everything with him.