Fuck, how was I supposed to stay from her now?
She didn’t pull away from me, thank God; instead she burrowed deeper into my chest. The only thing stopping my hands from exploring her slender frame to assure myself that she was real and in my arms was the thought that she might have some injury I couldn’t see.
Everyone quieted down in the bar, and as much as I wanted to know what had happened to her tonight, I wanted to take Lizzie home—take her back to my house and keep her there, where she would be safe.
Mason was now holding Olivia close to him, and I resisted the urge to move over when I saw the fear in her eyes. Fuck.
How had this night gone to shit so quickly?
“Someone tell me what is going on,” Mason said calmly, though I wasn’t fooled. I knew he was just as angry as I was that the girls were put in this situation and no one had been around to help them.
The tiny girl Gage was carrying in his arms said something quietly to him. I guessed this was his assistant. She was not what I was expecting. With pitch-black hair, pale skin, and gray eyes too big for her tiny face, she looked like a sullen child with a big attitude. Not an assistant to one of the most successful corporate law firms in the state.
Gage made a noise in his throat that sounded like a grunt as he tightened his arms around her. Huh.
She let out a frustrated sigh before she spoke again; this time, loud enough that even I heard.“I don’t speak caveman, and if you can’t let go, then at least let me stand on my own, yeah?”
I noticed then that her feet weren’t touching the ground.
I would have smiled over the ridiculousness of this, had I still not been feeling the anger from the fight tonight. I wanted to hit something. Destroy something that would make this all better for Lizzie. Preferably, the fuckers cowering at a table near the door. They had been here when we got in the bar, and they had both watched the fight with disgusting matching smiles on their faces.
I had to remind myself that I was not a man without control.
Gage’s assistant spoke again, bringing my attention back to her. “Fine.” She pointed to the two men, who moved down further against the flipped table. As if using it as a shield. “They touched Olivia and Hayden.”
Logan and Mason said something, but I was beyond hearing over the haze of red now crowding my vision. I wanted to kill them. Lizzie placed her hand on my chest, as if she knew where my thoughts went. I looked down and met her green eyes, and I focused on the golden flecks reflecting the irises to calm myself. She offered me a reassuring smile. I didn’t think, and I didn’t care who was around to see. I bent down and buried my face in her neck, letting the feel of her solid form against me calm me down.
She moved her hands to my back, up and down in a soothing motion. I was only vaguely aware of the rest of the explanation from Gage’s assistant.
“These are their girlfriends. They accused us of talking to their boyfriends and wouldn’t let us leave. She tried to jump Lizzie.” My back stiffened at that. “You can probably guess the rest.”
I looked up just in time to see the bartender coming out. My fist clenched, wondering where the hell he had been when the fight started. He met my eyes briefly, stuttered in his steps, and offered me a wide berth as he moved to the center. Lizzie fisted the back of my shirt with her small hands.
“Get out. Now. All of you are banned for life. And you’re lucky I’m not calling the cops.”
Gage’s assistant scoffed. “Why would you when you openly let your patrons do crack here?”
I didn’t wait anymore. We got our explanation and if I stayed any longer, I would lose control. I briefly met Mason’s eyes on my way to the door, and I knew he wouldn’t come out until he and Logan sent a message to those men who touched their woman without their permission.
Gage and his assistant got out before us. Gage still hadn’t let her down, so I was sure they were more than just boss and assistant. Whatever it was, I didn’t care. I just wanted to get Lizzie home.
Mason, Olivia, Logan, and Hayden walked out then.
Mason looked around. “I’m taking Livie home. I think everyone can handle their women?”
He met my eyes, and I nodded. He would take care of Olivia tonight. Make sure she was okay, and that tonight’s event didn’t trigger anything for her.
Everyone called for a cab, which didn’t take long to get here, save for Logan, who already had Hayden bundled up in his car and drove off.
Lizzie made a move to get in the cab with Mason and Olivia, but I stopped her. She shot me a questioning look, but she didn’t fight me on it. She stayed by me, and I pulled her closer to me when she started to shake a bit.
I didn’t know if it was from the cold or the adrenaline wearing off.
It would make sense if we all shared a cab home, since we were heading to the same place, but there was only enough room for three people in the back, which meant I would have to let her go and sit in the front. I wasn’t ready to let her go quite yet.
Our cab was the last to arrive. I helped her in and gave the driver my address. Then I pulled her back in my arms. She let out a sigh and laid her head on my chest.
We didn’t say anything, and it wasn’t long before we got home. I led Lizzie back to my house. I wanted to tend to her injuries, and I didn’t want to do it back at Mason’s house. I wanted her all to myself just a little bit longer.