
I didn’t knowwhen my house had become a base for all the men to use when they didn’t know what to do with themselves while their women went out for the night, but that was what it became when I answered my door at eight o’clock on Friday night. Mason, Logan, and Gage stood there with stupid smiles on their faces—or, at least, Mason and Logan smiled. Gage didn’t smile. I could probably count on one hand the times I’d actually seen him smile, and it was never a happy smile. More sarcastic than anything else.

Mason carried two cases of beer while Logan carried two large pizza boxes, and Gage carried his usual signature scowl.

I took in the men and Mason’s grin widened. “We brought the goods. Thought you might be bored since our women are out enjoying themselves.”

I moved back a little and let them walk through. “Our women?”

“That’s what I said,” Gage muttered as he walked past me. No one bothered to answer me, and I didn’t think they would. I knew who Mason was referring to. But Lizzie wasn’t mine. No matter how fucking badly I wished for it to be otherwise.

I wondered when Gage had gotten a woman. I shot the man a look. Between him and Logan, Gage had been the enigma. I didn’t know him as well as I did Logan.

I followed them inside as they made themselves at home in my living room.

“What are we doing?” I asked, because I knew they wouldn’t leave me alone now that I answered the door.

“Well, we were at Gage’s office. But he’s not as entertaining, and we decided a change of scenery from his scowling face might be nice,” Mason said, handing me a beer.

“So you came here? What do you take me for? Sunshine and rainbows?” I asked, taking a sip. My stomach growled at the smell of the greasy, cheesy pizza. Fuck, I hadn’t even had dinner yet. I was caught up in work and didn’t even check the time.

I told Lizzie I was taking a week off work, but that wasn’t possible for a man in my position, at least not without some advance notice and some time to delegate most of my important work to someone else. I hadn’t had the time to do that, so I was putting in more hours because I was working from home. Just in case Lizzie might need me for something.

I was glad they came with food. Not that I would tell them that.

Logan flipped up the lid and revealed a meat-lover’s pizza. Yup, this night just got better.

“Oh, yeah,” Mason said, his eyes dancing. “You also smell like sugar, spice, and everything nice.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. “Like The Powerpuff Girls?”

Logan chuckled. “I’m surprised you both knew that.”

I shook my head. “Emma’s obsessed with it.”

Give it a few years, and the Kade men would know all the lyrics to every animated princess movie in existence, I was sure of it.

I looked over to Gage. “Are you okay, man?”

He had been quieter than usual.

I didn’t miss the smile shared between Logan and Mason. I was sure it had something to do with Gage’s woman.

“Oh, yeah,” Gage said, taking a sip of his beer. He seemed lighter somehow, even if he was acting like his usually gruff self.

“He’s just thinking about his new assistant,” Logan said, amusement curving the corners of his lips a bit. I remember Mason making some remarks about Gage’s new assistant. I wondered if this was the woman they were all alluding to be Gage’s.

I nodded, not really adding anything more. Gage was going through something with his assistant. I didn’t have room to judge, considering I had just worked from home for a full week just in case Lizzie might need something from me.

“Wanna come with us to pick up the girls later?” Mason asked. “We’re thinking of crashing girls’ night soon.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. I doubted it would go over too well with Olivia, since the last time I talked to her, she seemed pretty excited about it. Though I wasn’t surprised Mason wanted to crash their girls’ night.

That was the one thing that hadn’t changed after three years of marriage. I couldn’t even remember a time when Mason had spent more than a night away from her.

Before I could answer him, Mason said, “Lizzie will be there.”

I shot him a look but he only grinned. It was on the tip of my tongue to say no. Unlike Mason and Logan, I didn’t have any reason to go there. It didn’t look like Gage had a reason either, although I had a feeling there was something between him and his assistant.