“What’s wrong, Emmy?”

“Uncle Maxie,” she cried, then threw herself in my arms and wrapped her little arms around my neck. Her tears wet my skin as she cried pathetically in my arms.

I smiled at a worried-looking Hunter to let him know everything was okay, and he gave me a small one of his own before placing his hand on my shoulder.

“I falls!” Emma cried.

“Oh, you did? My poor baby. Show me where you’re hurt.”

She gave a few hard sniffles, before pulling away and taking me in with those big brown eyes. She pointed a single finger at her knee. “Owie, Uncle Maxie.”

I looked at the skin. It was only a little red, but I still fussed over it, because I knew that was what she wanted from me. “Would you like me to put some magical bandages on that and kiss it all better?”

She nodded enthusiastically.

“Magical bandage?” Hunter asked, his eyes widening to saucers.

I nodded seriously.

“I’m hurt, too, Maxie,” he said, his hand patting my shoulder.

I bit my bottom lip. “Is that so? Well, we’ll have to fix it right up, won’t we?”

I stood up with Emma in my arms. She had stopped crying now, which told me she wasn’t as hurt as she let on—she only wanted someone to fuss over her.

I happily fell right into her trap.

I held out my hand for Hunter’s and he grabbed onto it, skipping along as I led them to the bathroom.

I walked past Lizzie and Olivia in the kitchen. Olivia’s eyes brightened when she saw me, and though Lizzie tried to hide it, I could see a hint of happiness in her eyes. My chest puffed up a little. I had it fucking bad.

“We’ll be right back,” I said. “Need to go find some magical bandages.”

“Magical bandages, huh?” Olivia said, her eyes turned knowing. This was the trick I used on her when she was little to get her to stop crying. Putting on magical bandages, no matter how big or small the injury was. And things would suddenly feel better. Sometimes, she even made up imaginary injuries to get the bandage, like Hunter.


I didn’t say any more as I moved toward the bathroom where the first-aid kit was kept under the sink, where all of Emma’s special bandages were.

I placed Emma on the sink and moved to Hunter. “Can I help you up?” I asked.

He nodded, his eyes shining with trust as he held out his hands for me. I placed him next to Emma and dug around in one of the cabinets, pulling out a whole container of bandages, from neon color ones to princess ones, some superhero ones, and even ones with smiling faces and animals.

I opened the box and smiled when the kids’ eyes lit up with excitement. You would think I was presenting them a box filled with priceless treasures.

“Okay, pick whichever one you want,” I said.

Two sets of small hands moved in a flash.

I let out a small chuckle and watched them pull out one after the other, before putting them back and picking something else. This was an important decision, after all.

Emma finally settled on the bandage with a cartoon panda bear, while Hunter was able to find a Captain Marvel.

I nodded. “Excellent choice.”

I grabbed Emma’s bandage first. “Okay, Kiddo 2, show me your hurt knee.” She pushed one leg out in my waiting hand. It was the wrong leg. I stifled a laugh and gently placed the bandage on. “All better.”

She nodded. “Doesn’t hurt anymore, Uncle Maxie.”