I stayed very still, Roman moving to give access as Ivan cleaned my skin, the cool dampness leaving my body tingling and refreshed. When he finished, I propped myself up on my elbows and gave him another kiss.

“Thank you, Ivan.”

He smiled but chuckled when I yawned. “And that’s my cue to exit,” he said. “This tent’s only big enough for three at most, and I snore. You need your rest, and I’ll go take care of the campfire.”

He left and I was soon comfortably sandwiched between Roman and Trent, a sleeping bag unzipped and pulled over the three of us. “You know,” I said, yawning again, “I don’t normally go to sleep this early.”

“It’s nature,” Roman assured me, kissing my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Fiona, if you wake up in the night, we’ll make sure you’re safe and sound.”

I hummed softly, happy and knowing he was right. “And if I wake up feeling a different way?”

It was Trent’s turn to kiss my forehead. “We’ll take care of you then too.”

* * *