“Mostly work,” he said, smiling adorably. “I do hit up the gym three days a week. But most of that’s for stress relief, or to try and make sure what I’m doing in the shop doesn’t create imbalances.”

Dinner finished cooking, and after serving everyone, I received the greatest compliment any chef could receive.

Dead silence.

For almost ten minutes, the only sounds I heard were the buzz of crickets, the occasional bird cry, and the sound of forks scraping plates.

In fact, the guys were so busy eating that I had time to check them out. And damn if they weren’t three perfect specimens of masculinity.

Roman with his messy tangle of blond hair.

Ivan with his hulky physique.

And Trent, so tall I had to crane my neck to look up at him, who’d also saved me from blowing myself up.

Mella might be in Vegas marrying Mister Boring, but I was having the time of my life. It was funny. You never know what you’re going to step into. Sometimes it’s a mess and sometimes well, you hit the jackpot.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a meal this much. It was just amazing. Thank you, Fiona,” Ivan said.

“Well, we need to thank our trusted fisherman, too,” I said.

Maybe it was the night air. Hell, maybe it was the nature. Or maybe it was that I was way out of town, and there were no consequences to what I was doing. If I wanted to spend the weekend in carnal paradise, there was nobody to judge me in that regard. Except myself of course, and I think I was over that shit.

I took Roman’s empty plate and stood before him while he looked me up and down. Then, a slow smile crept across his face as my intentions became clear.

I glanced back at Ivan and Trent, both grinning, having repositioned themselves for a clear view of whatever was about to happen.

“Thank you for the delicious fish,” I told Roman. “I can’t imagine a better dinner with my new… friends.”

I moved close enough to where he sat on his camp chair that he was able to put his hands on either side of my hips and run them over my ass cheeks.

I leaned down, putting my arms around his neck, and kissed him. For long, intense seconds our lips and tongues danced. He was different from Ivan and Trent, powerfully tender and leading. He didn’t ‘push’ me on the way to intense arousal as much as show me the way to go, and have me along with him every step of the way.

After a minute, he pulled me down so that I straddled him. I looked into his eyes.

“So,” he said, his lips twitching, “I guess that means I haven’t been wasting my time getting eyefuls of you for the past few hours?”

I shook my head. “No. And yes.”


“You know all those naughty things you’ve been imagining?” I said, reaching for the hem of my tank. I tugged it off and tossed it to the ground. “They’re going to hopefully be replaced with the real thing.”

I climbed off Roman’s lap, taking his hands and leading him towards the biggest of the tents. Glancing at Ivan and Trent, I gave them a nod of permission, and they got up too.

Shit was getting intense.

* * *