My love for each of them differed from the other because I loved them in different ways. I loved each of them for their faults, for their strengths. And I loved the way they loved me, even if they couldn’t say the words aloud.

Luca drove like a maniac, while Bastian sat in the passenger seat beside him and navigated the way home using the GPS on his cell phone. They worked well as a team. The two of them were the most alpha of the group and always had to be in charge. It actually surprised me Luca let Bastian take my virginity, when he had made it perfectly clear years ago that he wanted it for himself.

I leaned forward on the bench, so my head was between Luca and Bastian. “How come you let Bash take my virginity?” I asked Luca.

Luca breathed through his nose, eyes on the road with his fingers clutching the leather steering wheel. “Does it matter?”

“I’m just curious why you would give up the honor.”

“Because the better man won,” Bastian said with laughter in his voice, shoving a hand through his messy, dark brown hair.

Luca snickered. “Not quite, dickhead.”

“So, tell me,” I demanded. “I want to know why it was Bash and not you.”

I’d always known it would be one of them. Luca would have killed Marcello and Damian if they had even attempted it. But the relationship Luca had with Bastian was different. He respected him as a true equal. When Bastian offered suggestions, Luca at least considered them. Where with the others, he usually flat out dismissed their ideas because he thought his way was right.

“Fine,” Luca hissed. “You want to know why it wasn’t me?” I watched him grind his teeth as he focused on the road ahead of us. “Because I didn’t want to be your first.”

My mouth dropped in shock. “But you said… You used to fight with Bash over me.”

“Don’t sound so disappointed, Drea. We both know you wanted it to be Bash.” His eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. “Are you upset with the outcome?”

I shook my head.

He forced a grin. “Then why do you care so much it wasn’t me?”

“I don’t,” I bit out. “I’m just… curious is all.”

“Uh-huh.” Luca clicked his tongue. “Don’t worry, baby girl, I’ll fuck you. And when I do, you won’t even remember Bash’s name.”

Bastian punched his arm. “You’re just mad I fucked her first.”

Luca made a hard turn off the dirt road and drove onto a two-lane paved highway. I was a little annoyed with Luca’s attitude, so I sat back against the leather bench and leaned into Marcello’s warm embrace. Why couldn’t Luca be more like his brother?

Resting my head on Marcello’s shoulder, I curled my body into his and ran my fingers over his hard chest. He was the most physically strong of the group, with muscles bulging from every place imaginable. I hadn’t had time to explore this gorgeous man and all of his glory.

So I slipped my hand beneath his shirt, feeling the rough edges of his well defined stomach. He had at least a six pack, maybe even more. Marcello groaned as my hand slipped lower, my fingers wedged beneath his boxer briefs. His long, hard length poked my arm through his slacks. After what we’d just gone through, I wanted to feel closer to him. We could have died at any minute. That much was true after the last few hours of running from danger.

I unbuttoned his pants and slid down his zipper so I could fit my entire hand in his boxer briefs.

“What are you doing, princess?” Marcello whispered in my ear before he sucked on the lobe. “We’re not out of the woods yet.”

“I don’t care,” I breathed. “If I were to die ten minutes from now, at least I would die doing the one thing I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.”

I climbed on top of him and kissed his lips, hooking my arms around his neck. He grabbed my ass and pressed my soaking wet pussy into his hard cock. Luca was a little longer than him, but Marcello was so damn thick it wasn’t easy to wrap my hand around him.

“What the fuck are you two doing?” Luca growled. “This isn’t the time to fuck around. We barely escaped with our lives.”

I peeled my lips from Marcello’s, breathing hard. “All the more reason to fuck around.”

“He’s right,” Marcello pointed out. “We need to stay sharp. Focused.”

I kissed him again. “I think your brothers can take over for a little while, don’t you?”

“Drea,” Luca warned.

“Just drive,” Bastian cut in, tapping Luca on the shoulder. “She’s right. We almost died back there.”