Page 11 of Boardwalk Queen

“Don’t call me your baby,” I muttered. “All of you are liars.”

Stefan helped me up from the chair. “Let’s go. I’ll tell you everything.”

We left the room without asking to be excused by Salvatore. I doubted he cared after all the drama I brought to his dinner table.



Stefan guided me out of Salvatore’s penthouse and into mine. Once inside the living room, Stefan hooked his arm around me and pulled me onto the couch beside him.

“Look, we didn’t know until this morning about the engagement. My dad mentioned it a few weeks ago as a possibility. The Vitales have been our rivals for a long time. So we didn’t think it would ever happen.”

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and scooted across the leather cushion. “Did you know Nico was engaged when you took me to La Perla?”

He nodded.

“Did Nico know when we were together this morning?”

“He got the phone call from our dad after he woke up.”

My cheeks heated from his confession, every inch of my skin on fire from the betrayal. “Nico didn’t think twice about fucking me again.” I blew out a deep breath, nostrils flaring. “What an asshole.”

My eyes drifted to the patio doors. I wanted to scream until my throat was raw. So I hopped up from the couch and walked toward the kitchen.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Stefan snapped his fingers. “Get back here, Ava.”

I strolled out of the living room. “No.”

“We’re not done talking.” Stefan followed me. “Stop acting like a brat.”

I pushed open the doors and stepped outside, drinking in the salty air. We stood in front of the railing. Stefan was aware of my process and let me have a moment. So he held my hand and screamed with me, which comforted me.

It wasn’t like he was the one who was engaged. Though, I wished he had told me the truth earlier. He could have tipped me off so I hadn’t made a fool of myself.

After we yelled a few more times, I glanced at Stefan, who was already looking at me. “You said you wanna talk. So talk.”

He snorted at my bitchiness. “You’re lucky I’m not Dante. He would’ve spanked your ass until it was raw.”

I put my hand over the top of his on the railing. “I know it’s fucked up to expect Nico to be loyal to me when I fucked you and Angelo earlier.”

This was something I had been thinking about a lot lately. How could I expect them to be faithful to me? As Dante had pointed out, I was jumping between his brothers. I didn’t feel like a whore or think it made me one.

“I like all of you.” I bit the inside of my cheek as our eyes met. “I know I shouldn’t. It’s sick, right?”

He gave a light shrug, making his broad shoulders look even bigger. “What’s sick about it?”

“The four of you are brothers.”

He snorted. “Oh, now you’re including Dante in our little fucked up sex group?”

“I mean…” I bit my lip, thinking over his question. “He jerked off on my stomach while I fingered myself. That counts, I guess.”

“I don’t know about all that. Dante is not your biggest fan. That’s for fucking sure.”

“He said I was supposed to be different.”

I leaned into his muscular body for support, needing to feel him pressed against me.