Page 9 of Boardwalk Queen

After years of bloodshed, I wondered why they finally decided to settle their issues. I never thought I’d see the Lucianos and the Vitales in the same room, let alone share a meal.

By the time they served Contorni—Fagiolini all’agro—I was full and didn’t feel like eating the green beans with lemon juice and olive oil.

But I didn’t want to be rude.

Might as well eat like a king.

Before dessert, Salvatore stood at the end of the table and raised a champagne flute. “Thank you for coming to celebrate the union between two powerful families. After years of discourse, the Lucianos and the Vitales are coming together to make Atlantic City the city we all deserve.”

He held out his glass, suggesting we do the same. And when our glasses were in position, he said, “To Nico and Vittoria.Congratulazioni per il tuo fidanzamento. May you have many happy years together.” His gaze shifted to Nico, who looked like he wanted to hide under the table. “Salute.”

My jaw dropped at his words.

Congratulations on your engagement.




He lied to me.

It didn’t matter what I thought anymore because it was a lie. I wanted so badly to believe Nico was better than his brothers and that he was more like me than them.

But I was wrong about him.

My hand wouldn’t stop shaking, and the champagne flute slipped from my grasp. It hit the table, spilling champagne on the table cloth, my dress, and Stefan’s pants.


Stefan shot up from the chair. The staff came over to assist him with the mess. And then, Stefan bent over me and dabbed at the champagne pooling on my lap.

I was too stunned to move.

Stefan waved his hand in front of my face. “Ava, look at me.”


Leave me alone.

I didn’t want to do anything other than scream or cry. They all knew about Nico’s engagement. The twins had sex with me knowing this, and so did Nico. I was so stupid to believe I could have anything more than sex with them.

My heart beat so fast that the entire room spun and slipped from under me. Nico was out of his chair, leaning over me. Stefan was at my side, talking to me, but I could only hear the ringing in my ears. His lips moved, but I didn’t understand a word.

The people on the other side of the table blurred as if they were melting into the wall.

Nico was engaged.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I blinked. Once, twice, and a few more times, unable to clear my vision. The ringing in my ears made my head spin.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to kill him.