Page 52 of Tall Dark and Evil

She's so fucking dramatic.



On my way to Reiks's small court,I'm walking at a crossroad when a blur of red curls appears. Great.Anothercollision. At least, this time, I'm fairly certain it's not my fault. I was walking at a normal pace and looking where I was going—she just stormed forward.

"Sorry!" the redhead says, wincing as she kneels to grab the pile of books scattered at her feet.

I join her and help, piling up three manuscripts and handing them to her. No wonder she fell. She has a whole yard of old books in her arms. Her eyes barely make it past the stack.

Over the nine books, I see a short, slim woman around Maelys's age—early twenties at most. She's seriously gorgeous. Wild hair, a tiny upturned nose, bright green eyes, and a large, voluptuous mouth.

"No worries." At least neither one of us destroyed a priceless artifact this time. "You're okay with all those?"

"Hm?" She looks down at her load and her expression clears. "Oh, I'm fine. I just need to bring them back to the library, and I hate making too many trips. I'm sorry I didn't see you. You're sure you're not hurt?"

"Not even a little. Do you need help?" The library is pretty far, but I wouldn't mind an excuse to avoid Reiks for a few more minutes.

Although, to be fair, I need him now.

She shakes her gorgeous mane. "I'm good, thanks." The girl rushes down the corridor, no doubt to plough into another unsuspecting soul.

I make my way to the first floor, and one of Reiks's two servants open the doors before I say a word. "Thank you." They smile at me, moving as little as possible.

His music's blasting through the hall's empty hall again. I make my way to his bedroom rather than try to shout over the drumming and violins.

A door I hadn't noticed, on the same wall as his walk-in closet, is open to a vast bathroom. I spy a dark claw-footed tub large enough for a dozen people inside. "Are you decent?" I call.

"Never." Reiks walks out of his closet, dressed in white and blue, so I suppose we're doing something official today, or he'd wear black.

He presents me his wrists, and I fasten his cuff links.

"I need to ask you to do your thing, if you don't mind."

"My thing?" He raises an eyebrow suggestively.

I suddenly find my shoes fascinating. "A syphoning. I used a little magik earlier." This close to my last syphoning, I'm in control, but I feel too much power around me.

"Anytime, feather." His hand reaches for my cheek and calls to my core.

I gasp, feeling his touch like a flick right at my clit. Why does this feel so good? My hands clasp his arm, hard enough to leave bruises. I use him for support. When he lets go, I want to cry, but my knees are weak and I think I might have passed out if he'd taken any more of me. His eyes echo mine, bright green, and full of power.

I want to know what it feels like for him, but I don't dare ask.

"The bath is for you if you'd like to take one," Reiks says. "We have to attend a council meeting in town today."

I frown. "I didn't know the council would be in session."

Valina is one of the elders presiding over the council, and she would have mentioned it if she'd planned to be in town when I said goodbye to her this morning.

"This is an emergency, called in just this morning." His gaze rakes over me, taking everything in. "I figured you'd wear jeans and would prefer to change today, but you're already exquisite."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. Exquisite. That's me. I'll take that bath, if we have time." I'm not too dirty, but the syphoning sapped me physically as well as mentally.

He leads the way to his bathroom, and I consider moving in. The marble is black with specks of blue running through it. His counters are perfectly tidy, and there are two sink basins in ornate porcelain. The star of the show is his ridiculously large tub, though there's also a shower with four heads and various jets running along the wall.

When I remove my shoes, I realize that the floor's heated.