Page 34 of Tall Dark and Evil

At long last, Reiks demands his hovercraft, and we can leave this nightmare.

Once we’re in the confines of the vehicle, I sigh in relief. Reiks laughs. “You get used to it.”

“I’m glad I never have to.” I’ve never found a place so unpleasant. There’s a thick fog of malevolence in the air, and everyone seems to respond to it instinctively. This castle needs a serious cleansing.

I notice he took a seat next to me this time, rather than in front of me. Reiks’s proximity is unsettling as ever. Not only my awareness of it, but also how it makes me feel. Confused. On edge. I want to move away, but also get a little bit closer so I can inhale his white sea scent. Memorize it. Bottle it if I can. “What cologne do you use?” I regret my question almost immediately. If he guesses how much I love his smell, I’ll never live it down.


I wrinkle my nose. No one has the right to smell this good naturally.

“A witch performed an odor spell on my mother, though. I inherited the property. I don’t stink, even after exertion.”

I lift a brow. “That must have been a hell of a witch.” Hygienic spells are rather common—Mar performed a permanent one on me years ago. They aren’t supposed to be passed down to children, though.

“She was average at best.” That makes no sense, and I’m about to say so, but Reiks changes the subject. “About this Baltaday. The guests are due to arrive at the Lunar Club by nine, so we can show our faces around ten or so, and remain for a couple of hours. I won’t need you for the rest of the weekend.”

“I can’t.” Surely, he must have realized that. “This Baltaday is Lughnasadh.”

Reiks arches an eyebrow. “Oh? I thought you weren’t a witch, feather. You observe the festivals?”

I bite my lip in frustration. I hate that I have to explain myself. “I don’t practice magik. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m a demi. During the eight festivals, the magiks weaving the world are so present, I have to join the celebration. My blood demands it. Doesn’t yours?” I make a face. “And don’t give me the usual ‘the Reikses are commons’ speech. If there’s enough demi in your bloodline for you to live hundreds of years, there’s enough of it for you to be called by the primal forces.”

Reiks’s smile is all teeth. “I would literally need to kill you if I disclosed as much.”

That’s what I thought. “Well, I can’t be at a silly party that night.”

He waves a hand dismissively. “You won’t feel any pull to join the fest until midnight. I’ll see that we’re out of there long before then.”

My jaw ticks. I don’t want to be anywhere near him that Baltaday. If I get my way, I’ll be in the woods, with the folk. “I need to be home. Even if you get me back to Five by midnight, I’ll never be able to make it to the Darklands on time.”

“Pardon me for not making it clear,” he says, smooth as glass. “Your attendance isn’t requested. It’s commanded. If anything I said suggested otherwise, please dismiss it.”

He can’t possibly mean that. “I said I’d give you my free time. I’m not free on Lughnasadh, or any other festival. I’m not trying to weasel out of your stupid party because I want to go paint my nails that day. I have amedicalreason to go home.”

The hovercrafts slows to a stop in front of the main building of Five. I hadn’t noticed that we made it into Magnapolis.

“Don’t be dramatic, feather.” Reiks opens his door and walks out before offering me his hand. “Thousands of witches celebrate right here in the city. You’dpreferto hide in your family’s domain, but you don’t need to.”

My lips thin. What an asshole. “Consider your friendship application declined.” I walk out of the craft, ignoring his assistance. “Is there anything else I can do for you tonight,sir, or am I permitted to go eat something?”

Reiks’s hand lifts to touch my face. He’s so close I don’t have time to stop him. His fingertips rest under my chin, and his thumb caresses my lower lip. He lowers his mouth to my ear. “I already told you. I’d quite like your affection, but I’ll settle for your presence, feather.”

I attempt to step back, but his free arm snakes around my waist, holding me in place. My chest’s flush against his. I can feel the steady rhythm of his heart against the erratic thundering of mine. “Let me go!”

He chuckles. “Naturally, pretty little witch. Just as soon as you promise to come to the club on Baltaday.”

Why the hell is he so adamant on it? “I’m bound to serve you,” I remind him.

“Let’s not pretend you won’t endeavor to slither out of your commitment.” He sounds matter-of-fact, and rather amused. “I want your word right now, Alis.”

I push against his chest, grunting when my efforts prove entirely pointless.

I could make him move. I could make himbeg.

“Unless you’d prefer to let our families handle our affairs.”

He can’t mean that. “You’d renege on our deal because I’d miss a stupid party?”