Page 25 of Tall Dark and Evil

“You’re impossible.” I return to my list, not missing his smirk or the curious glances coming my way.

Reiks finishes whatever he’s working on and locks the file in his desk drawer. Then, he lifts his eyes to the crowd and smiles, lifting a hand. “Kezra! It’s been some time.”

A short young woman in a lovely sage blouse and short skirt rushes to the desk.

“Nath! How are you doing?”

“I’m well, thank you. Have you met Alis?”

She’s positively ebullient and friendly. “I don’t think so. I might have seen you around, though. What department are you in?”

"Science.” I make a point of forcing a smile, if only to show I’m perfectly capable of being civil. “I study demi healing. How about you, Kezra?”

“Oh, nothing as hard as that. My family has land in Anderkan. We’re glorified farmers, really.”

“By that,” Rieks tells me, “she means they own an entire province, and were made princes of the realm some two centuries ago.”

“Nothing wrong with a little humility.” I glance at my work. “I think I saw your name on the list…” I riffle through the pile of notes, find her invitation, and hand it to her. “There. I hope you can come.”

She opens the envelope, reads the short note, and looks from Reiks to me, mouth slightly ajar. “You two are throwing this party together?”

I’m quick to shake my head.

Reiks throws his arm around my shoulders. “Alis is just helping me out with the writing. You know. I have enough of it with this history paper.”

“I see.” She moves to my side and leans over the desk. “So, how did you guys meet?”

I wince, starting to guess why Reiks called her. She’s a gossip. “I ran into him in the main courtyard. Literally.”

“I doubt you’re the first woman to have done that,” Kezra retorts with a snort.

Reiks calls another one of his supplicants, a man this time. We start having two completely different conversations, mine focusing on school, while I hear Reiks speak about tax increases.

His servants return with food. Reiks and I are served lidded silver platters. The waiters open them in sync, to reveal a complex and beautifully plated dish so tiny it’s barely more than a mouthful.

“I’ll leave you to it,” says Kezra.

Reiks’s companion also makes his excuses, returning to the crowd. I’m secretly relieved. Amiable as she is, Kezra sucked up my energy. I’m simply not a people person.

The small court has changed since I last paid attention; there are more people. I think some might have left, too.

“Strange how well you get along with girls I haven’t screwed,” Reiks teases, as his tester tries a bit of his food.

I shoot Reiks a look. “I’m nice to women who are nice to me.”

I look at my spoon. Pure silver isn’t harmful to me, but it’s also not entirely pleasant. I opt to use my fingers.

The mixture at the center of my plate is unrecognizable; it's a slightly slimy, grayish sort of meat, I suppose. I scoop it with my fingertip and bring it to my mouth. By the gods! A surprised moan escapes me.

It’s fresh, tangy, and a little sweet.

“You like it?”

I look up to Reiks. “It’s delicious. I’m going to need far more than this tiny little portion to sate me, though.”

“It’s the first of thirteen courses.”

Of course it is. Who doesn’t eat thirteen courses on a simple Luprday evening?