Page 87 of Rules for Vanishing

April 19, 2017—Morning after disappearances

Becca sits hunched in a chair, her hands wrapped around a mug of steaming liquid. She wears an overlarge sweatshirt, and her hair is damp. A female officer sits across from her, a woman with a broad frame and no-nonsense features.

OFFICER BAUER: Becca, my name is Linda. I’m here to talk about what happened last night.

BECCA: I’ve already said I don’t know anything.

OFFICER BAUER: Do you know where you’ve been for the past year?

BECCA: Like I said. I ran away with Zachary Kent. He broke up with me, so I came home.

It has a singsong, nursery-rhyme quality.

OFFICER BAUER: And where is Zachary Kent now?

BECCA: I don’t know. I think he said something about LA.

OFFICER BAUER: All right, Becca. We’ll look into that. But things aren’t as simple as you make them sound.

BECCA: Aren’t they? It’s exactly what everyone thought. I lost my head for a boy and ran away. It’s why none of you looked for me, isn’t it?

OFFICER BAUER: I have your file, Becca. Your family was distraught when you left.

BECCA: I know. I’m sorry.

OFFICER BAUER: And we’re going to have to talk about the details of the last year, but we also need to know about last night. How well do you know Officer Chris Mauldin?

BECCA: I don’t.

OFFICER BAUER: His stepdaughter is a good friend of yours, isn’t she?

Becca flinches, pain and sorrow flashing across her features for a moment before she smooths her expression.

BECCA: Trina and I haven’t talked since I left, so I don’t know if you could call us friends. I don’t know her stepdad. Never said more than hello to him.

OFFICER BAUER: Do you know where Trina is now?

BECCA: No. Like I said. I haven’t seen her in a year.

OFFICER BAUER: Officer Mauldin is in the hospital right now, Becca.

BECCA: Oh. Um. Is he—what happened to him?

OFFICER BAUER: He was beaten last night. Badly.

BECCA: I’m sorry. Is he going to be okay?

OFFICER BAUER: We still don’t know that.

Becca’s gaze fixes on the tabletop.

BECCA: Where’s my sister?

OFFICER BAUER: Your sister is with your family.

BECCA: Is she all right?

OFFICER BAUER: She’s in shock, I think. Your whole familyis. The news that you’re back is a lot to take in, after all this time.