Page 78 of Rules for Vanishing

Abby lunges for Sara. Ashford is on his feet in an instant, catching her by the shoulder, holding her back as Sara first laughs, then lets out a sob and buries her face in her hands. He presses the page from the legal pad into Abby’s hands.

ASHFORD: This is just another piece of evidence for the file. Go add it to the rest. And take a walk.

She seethes.

ASHFORD: Abby. You know what this is. Don’t let it affect you like this.

She grabs the page and strides out, slamming the door behind her. Ashford rubs a hand across his jaw.

ASHFORD: I’m sorry about that.

Sara makes a noncommittal noise, straightening up. She looks, if anything, puzzled. She picks at her sleeve.

ASHFORD: I think we’re all feeling the strain.

SARA: I’m okay.

ASHFORD: You’ve been through a lot today.

SARA: I’ve just been talking to you.

ASHFORD: That’s right. We’re just talking. And I thinkwe’re most of the way there. Almost to the end of the road, as it were. Do you need anything?

SARA: I guess I’m pretty hungry. Dr. Ashford?


SARA: Are you ever going to tell me why the door is locked? If I wanted to leave, would you let me?

ASHFORD: What do you think, Sara? Why would I be keeping you in here against your will?

She frowns.

SARA: There’s no reason. Is there?

ASHFORD: I’d like you to be able to answer that for yourself.

She bites her lip.

SARA: Dr. Ashford, where’s my sister? Is Becca here? Is she with you?

Ashford hesitates.

ASHFORD: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to see your sister right now, Sara.

SARA: Why not?

ASHFORD: As I said, I think it’s better if you remember for yourself.

SARA: I did something, didn’t I?

ASHFORD: That’s what we’re here to find out. Let’s keep going, shall we?

SARA: Weren’t you going to ask me about Miranda?

Ashford looks pained.

ASHFORD: Later. For now, just... walk us through the lighthouse.