Page 47 of Rules for Vanishing

“But for now we should keep moving,” Anthony says. “Right? I know I don’t want to hang around in one place too long.”

I hesitate. The book bothers me. This isn’t a place to go trusting gifts.

“Gate number three,” Mel says. “Let’s go find out what’s going to try to kill us next.”

I don’t object. Trina keeps the book. It’s another mistake, but it will be a long time before I realize the extent of it.



May 9, 2017

ASHFORD: What made you decide to push Vanessa into the crowd?

SARA: I’m not sure I can explain it completely. It’s not like I was thinking everything through logically. I was terrified. We all were. It was happening so fast, and Miranda was talking, and... I didn’t want Trina to die.

ASHFORD: And you didn’t know Vanessa as well.

SARA: That’s not why I did it. I don’t think it is.

She pauses. Her voice drops until the microphone can barely pick it up.

SARA: I hope it isn’t.

ASHFORD: Miss Donoghue, I think you’ve been through a great deal. More than any person should bear. Perhaps I can help with this small portion of it.

SARA: What do you mean?

ASHFORD: As Miss Whittaker still had Kyle’s phone, we were able to recover all of the video Kyle Jeffries took on the road. Nearly two hours of footage between your arrival in the woods and when the battery died. I can showyou the video of the exit from the Liar’s Gate, and the events that transpired after.

SARA: After? You mean—the crow? The one that was screaming?

Ashford’s look is one of pity.

ASHFORD: Yes. It does involve the crow. I should warn you that this video is quite upsetting. But it should clarify the... omissions in your memories. Would you like to see it now?

SARA: Yes. Yes, please. I—I just want to know.

Ashford nods, and reaches into a bag beside his chair, pulling out a laptop.

ASHFORD: Just a moment, then.

He glances toward the door, which opens on Abby. Her hand is in her jacket pocket; just visible, protruding from that pocket, is the plunger of a syringe. She nods. Ashford opens the laptop.


Retrieved from the cell phone of Kyle Jeffries

Recorded April 19, 2017, 12:51 a.m.

The group ahead of Kyle moves cautiously, bunched together.

JEREMY: Do you hear anything? Is she still there?

SARA: I can’t tell.

MEL: I don’t like this.