Page 124 of Rules for Vanishing

Abby lunges forward. Ashford catches her by the shoulder, restrains her.


Sara’s hand hovers in the air.

SARA: Becca. It’s time to walk out of the dark.

Slowly, her sister reaches out.

Video cuts out. It does not return.


This concludes the contents of Ashford File #74. We have, however, located additional materials that you may find of interest, included without additional charge.

As to your primary question, we are confident that Abigail Ryder was unharmed during the events in Briar Glen, and we have confirmed that Miranda Ryder is deceased. We will continue to attempt to track down Abigail Ryder’s current location.

Do not attempt to contact us. No previous means of doing so will be operable after you receive this message.


“Me Again: A Self-Portrait” (Photograph)

September 17, 2017

Posted on photography forum by lostgirl151

Becca Donoghue sits cross-legged on a white bedspread, body forward, face in profile as she looks to the left. Her hair falls around her face; her expression is distant. The photograph is in black and white. Somewhat artful, expressive, but largely unremarkable; the compelling, strikingly beautiful subject is all that sets it apart, until one notices the standing mirror at the edge of the frame.

In the reflection, Becca’s form is captured, almost a perfect reproduction of the scene—except for the faintest shadow of a second figure sitting beside her. One can almost make out the features of a girl, her hand raised, reaching toward Becca but not quite touching her. In the reflection, Becca’s gaze, turned away, reads as rejection. Defiance, perhaps. There is something desperate in the shadow-figure’s reach; Becca remains beyond its grasp.

Comments on the post compliment the subtle, surreal touch and ask about the techniques used to manipulate the image. Lostgirl151 never replies. This is her only post on the forum. The username does not return any results in general searches.


Instagram post by Melanie Whittaker

August 7, 2017

Melanie Whittaker’s Instagram is infrequently updated. Photographs are mostly of coffee, books, and dogs, along with a handful of selfies.

In a set of three selfies, clearly taken in quick succession, Melanie Whittaker and Sara Donoghue sit at a table at an outdoor café. Sara has cut her hair shorter, just below her chin. Though it is clearly a warm day, she wears long sleeves. Her expression is melancholy in the first frame, distracted as Mel grins for the camera. In the second, she seems to have realized that Mel is taking the picture; she looks across the table in apparent surprise. In the third photo, a slight smile bends her lips. She is not looking at the camera. She is looking at Mel.

The post is tagged #threepointtwoweekaversary #itsathing #lazygothaesthetic


Video posted online by anonymous user

Akrou & Bone video game fan forum

“Weird in the World” sub-forum

Subject: Anyone know this kid?

An embedded video clip shows Kyle Jeffries sitting on a picnic table in a park. It is late evening, and the park is abandoned. Kyle doesn’t seem to be aware that he’s being filmed. He speaks softly; the words are inaudible, but the rhythm is slow, deliberate.

The wind shifts. A brief stretch of words reaches the camera and the microphone: “—cup the hand—writhes it beneath—”