Page 105 of Rules for Vanishing

BECCA: Sara. I think what you saw on the road is true.

SARA: And Lucy’s brother impaled her on a branch, then?

BECCA: Maybe it’s not that literal, but there was a reason you saw that.

SARA: I felt guilty. Maybe that’s what the road came up with to make me feelmoreguilty. I’m not lying. I don’t remember that happening—telling him to convince the others to go.

She grabs at Becca’s hand, her gaze imploring.

BECCA: I believe you. I believe you, Sara. But you’re forgetting things.

SARA: Why? Why can’t I remember what really happened? What’swrongwith me?

She turns to Ashford, her voice raw and demanding. Abby straightens in the corner, ready to intervene, but Sara stays seated.

ASHFORD: Your guilt over your friends’ deaths makes it difficult for you to think about that night. Because of that night, you blame yourself. Your mind shies away from it naturally, and so it’s an easier memory to hide away in the recesses of your brain. And then it is easier to hide other things alongside it. It serves as a kind of deterrent, to keep you from questioning your false and missing memories. I believe that memory is key to what Lucy is doing to you—what she is making you forget.

SARA: You mean what happened in the dark.

ASHFORD: That’s part of what I mean, yes.

SARA: And what’s the other part?

ASHFORD: One thing at a time.

SARA: You keep saying that.

ASHFORD: I’m not doing it to be cruel. You need to do the work yourself, Sara. We can’t do it for you. And you do want to, don’t you? You want the truth, and you want to be whole again.

Sara’s fingernails scratch the table’s surface. Her head lolls to the side, her eyes half-closed.

SARA: Sometimes I do. Sometimes I—sometimes I—

Becca seizes her hand.

BECCA: Stay here, Sara. Count the crows. Follow the path Miranda made for you. Remember.

SARA: I don’t want to hurt you again.

BECCA: You won’t.

SARA: No. You should go. I don’t want to hurt you again. Please. It’s not worth it. I—

ABBY: I’ll keep you from hurting anyone.


But Sara looks fixedly at Abby.

SARA: Promise?

ABBY: You want to protect your sister, right? It’s the most important thing to you. And it’s part of why you’ve been holding back. Because you’re afraid of what happens if you open certain doors. I get that. And I promise. If I think you’re going to hurt her, I’ll stop you.

SARA: Are you sure you can?

ABBY: Yeah. I’m sure.

Sara nods.