Page 99 of Rules for Vanishing

Becca presses a hand to her mouth, turning her eyes away as if she can’t bear to look at her sister in this state.

ASHFORD: If that’s the case, then it’s all the more reason for you to tell us what happened, Sara.

Becca comes around the table, pulling a chair with her. She sits beside her sister and covers one of Sara’s hands with her own.

BECCA: It’s going to be okay, Sara. But we have to talk about what happened.

Sara lets out a sigh and leans her head against Becca’s shoulder.

SARA: I’m so tired.

BECCA: I know.

Sara touches one of Becca’s bandages gingerly.

SARA: Did I do that to you?

BECCA: It’s not your fault.

SARA: I did, didn’t I? I hurt you.

BECCA: You saved me, Sara. You fought so hard to get to me. But you have to keep fighting a little longer. Think about the crows, Sara. Think about the crows, and write it down.

SARA: You’ll stay?

BECCA: I’m not going anywhere.

In the corner, Abby leans against the wall, watching closely. Sara’s fingers tap out the now-familiar rhythm. Ashford slides a pen and paper toward her. She picks up the pen, but doesn’t yet begin to write.

BECCA: We were getting ready to leave the road.

SARA: That’s right. Lucy said she knew the way.

BECCA: Mel and Kyle paired up. And then we argued about who was going to go with who. You said Anthony and I should go together, but I wanted to go with you. Except I didn’t want to say that, because that might make Anthony feel bad, and—

SARA: And then Lucy chose.

BECCA: Lucy chose you.

Sara fixes Becca with a steady look.

SARA: Are you sure about that, Rebecca? You don’t remember what happened in the dark, do you? It isn’t that I need to remember on my own. It’s that you can’t. You’ve tried, and you can’t.

BECCA: Sara ...

SARA: Maybe I’m not the problem at all.

BECCA: Do you really believe that?

SARA: I don’t know. Do you?

Becca looks away. Sara sighs.

SARA: I’m sorry. I’ll try to remember. We were at the end of the road...

She writes.