Page 11 of Rules for Vanishing


MEL (4:18 pm): Where’s Anthony?

MEL (4:18 pm): And sorry, I regret everything

NICK (4:18 pm): I don’t

ANTHONY (4:18 pm): I’m watching you two reverse-flirt or whatever it is you’re doing. Can’t talk much. Hiding my phone during “family time.”

ANTHONY (4:19 pm): Sorry, answering your question, Mel.

MEL (4:19 pm): We know how chats work. How’s the rev

ANTHONY (4:19 pm): She’s fine thanks. Wants to see you in church more.

MEL (4:20 pm): That’s just bc she loves me more than you

ANTHONY (4:20 pm): Why isn’t Sara in the chat?

MEL (4:20 pm): Oh snap

NICK (4:20 pm): Wait, what?

MEL (4:20 pm): Like she’d answer anyway

ANTHONY (4:21 pm): She wasn’t at school today, either.

TRINA (4:21 pm): I left Sara off because we need to talk about what to do and I don’t want her shutting us down.

TRINA (4:24 pm): So... what are we going to do?

ANTHONY (4:25 pm): I’m going. Whatever anyone else decides.

TRINA (4:25 pm): Me too.

NICK (4:25 pm): I was already planning on it. Vanessa wants to go. Going out for dinner in a few minutes, then out ghost hunting.

MEL (4:26 pm): Sorry, have to—NICKY HAS A GIIIIRLFRIEEEEEND.

NICK (4:26 pm): Is there a middle finger emoji? Wait. Found it. [redacted]

MEL (4:27 pm): I don’t see what the point is. It’s not like anything is going to happen. And besides, I have a date.


MEL (4:28 pm): [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

MEL (4:28 pm): [redacted]

TRINA (4:29 pm): Does anyone know if Sara’s going?

MEL (4:29 pm): [redacted]

ANTHONY (4:30 pm): Yeah. She is. She told me.

TRINA (4:30 pm): You talked to her? Is she okay?

ANTHONY (4:31 pm): Yes. Last night. And no. I don’t know. She’s the way she’s been.