TRINA:Where’s Sara?
MEL: She ran off. Ran—how are you not getting this. She’s gone.
JEREMY:She says Sara ran off.
MEL: Man, I knew I should have taken ASL instead of Latin. Probably better if you read my lips and translate.
JEREMY:Yeah, I can get like 80 percent of what you’re saying instead of 20 percent and a bunch of nonsense.
MEL: And I got enough of that to know the proper response is my favorite sign.
Jeremy laughs; it isn’t difficult to guess what gesture Mel is making.
TRINA:Can you guys not fight right now?
ANTHONY:Seriously. Focus.
Mel at least understands his exasperated expression.
MEL: Sorry. Punchy. Imminent death. Sara disappeared. I mean really disappeared. Couldn’t see her in the phone anymore.
ANTHONY:It was trying to separate us.
TRINA:Seems likely.
Kyle tugs on Trina’s arm, mouths, “What’s going on?”
TRINA:We have to find a way to see each other properly. My phone’s dying.
ANTHONY:Mine’s not much better. Ideas?
He finger-spells the last word for Mel.
MEL: A dumb one.
Everyone but Kyle looks at her expectantly.
MEL: If it’s trying to separate us... There are a bunch ofdoors. If we could see each other, we’d all pick the same one. The only way we’d go through different doors is if we weren’t together. So let’s all go through the same door, and maybe that’ll be enough.
JEREMY:I think I got most of that.
ANTHONY:I get what you’re saying. We should try it.
TRINA:Same door as Sara?
MEL: We should use the same door as Sara.
JEREMY:Yup, she’s got the same idea. Let’s move. Mel, grab...
He offers her his arm. Mel grabs hold. He grips Anthony’s other hand with his, leaving each of them one hand free for a phone. Trina puts a hand on Anthony’s shoulder, bringing up the rear with Kyle as Mel twists to train the camera on them briefly.
They trudge up the steps at an uneven, jerky gait, Mel nominally leading the way as she takes them to the door Sara disappeared through. She opens it with the hand holding the phone, takes a breath, and guides them all through.
The door slams shut behind them, leaving them in near darkness.
MEL: I can see you all again. It worked.
TRINA: Sara’s not here.