Page 16 of Rules for Vanishing

KYLE: If something happens out here, we’re going to want proof.

JEREMY: You don’t actually think it’s going to be, like, a ghost? Do you?

TRINA: Why did you bring him?

ANTHONY: Because he’s my friend, and he offered.

JEREMY: He’s also standing right here.

He signs to Anthony, looking disgruntled.

JEREMY:Why didn’t you tell her?

ANTHONY:I don’t know. I didn’t think it would be a problem.

TRINA:I sign, too, remember?

JEREMY:We need to learn Spanish.

TRINA: I speak Spanish. Try German.


TRINA: That’s Russian.

ANTHONY: Are you two going to argue the entire time? Jeremy’s here to help.

TRINA: He didn’t even know Becca.

The others look a bit taken aback at the vicious edge to her voice.

VANESSA: N-neither did I.

Trina shakes her head. Jeremy shrugs, but he looks uncomfortable.

ANTHONY: Trina, do you—should we talk? For a minute?


ANTHONY: Are you—

TRINA: We don’t need to talk. Where the hell is Mel? Is she really not coming?

Anthony gives Trina a concerned, speculative look, which she ignores.

NICK: I tried texting her, but she didn’t answer.

TRINA: I really thought she’d change her mind. I mean, Jesus, I know she hates me right now for some reason, but—

NICK: It’s not your fault. It’s just that you embody everything her parents want from her and that she can’t give them.

TRINA: What?

KYLE: Yeah, you’re too perfect. It’s irritating.

Trina visibly blanches, her hands curling into fists for a moment before relaxing one finger at a time, the effort palpable.

TRINA: I’m not perfect.