Page 18 of Field Rules

His words eased the tightness in her chest. “It’s okay. I wasn’t much better.”

“I’m ready to move on if you are.”

She wanted to step back and put some distance between them, but she couldn’t make herself move. As she fumbled for a reply, the words dried up on her tongue.

He put out his hand. “Friends? For the next six weeks?”

When she took it, his grip was so warm and solid she didn’t want to let go. If anything, she was overcome with the desire to nestle against his broad chest and feel his arms around her. After the day she’d had, she could use a hug.

Instead, she merely nodded. “I can agree to that.”

“Good.” He released her hand. “We should get some sleep.”

“Right. Good night, Rick.”

“’Night, Olivia.”

She watched him walk away, unsure as to what had prompted his gesture. Maybe he wanted a fresh start as much as she did.

Could she do it? If she relegated their memories to the back of her brain and tried to regard him as a colleague rather than an ex, they might be able to survive the next six weeks together.

After returning to her cot, she lay on her back and looked up at the stars. Whether it was due to the lack of clouds or the thin crescent moon, the night sky provided a stunning panorama. The speckled band of the Milky Way was visible.

When was the last time she’d seen stars like that?

Not since Clear Lake. Sitting out at the lake with Rick at midnight, looking for constellations.


Even if they weren’t enemies, she could not allow herself to fall for him again.

She was over him. She had to be.