Oooh!That explained it. Slavanka had just been following Single Girl Rule #8: If a man has 8 abs and 8 inches, he may not be refused.

“What do you think, Karma?” I asked. “Do you believe him when he says that it was just okay?”

She shook her head. “Not one bit.”

“Alright, time for dance #2.”

“Uh…can you untie me first?” asked Brody.

“Hmmm…I guess so.” I nodded to Slavanka to get her to untie him. “Now are you ready?”


The screen behind us counted down from three again and then more music came on.

Esme dropped her robe and walked over to him. The chains attached to the golden shackles on her wrists and neck jingled with every step.

Brody shifted in his throne and his cock stiffened as she danced over to him. She then looped one arm around his neck and started grinding on his cock. The only thing stopping him from penetrating her was the thin fabric of her gold monokini.

Is she gonna fuck him?

Either way, this was already the best lap dance contest ever.

She slid back and pulled a little menu out of her monokini.

“What can I do for you today, sir?” she asked. And then she handed him the chain that led to her golden choker.

He pointed to something on the menu and then yanked on the chain to bring her head down towards his cock.

“Excellent choice,” she said with a smile before dropping to her knees and wrapping her lips around his cock.

“Oh come on,” said Karma.

Brody put his hands in the air.

“What did you point to on that menu?” she asked as she grabbed it off the stage. “Did you seriously ask for a blowjob?”

“No!” said Brody. “I pointed to water. I swear.”

Esme grabbed one of his hands on put it on her head. He gripped her hair and pushed her head down.

Karma scowled at him.

“Sorry, reflex.” He put his hands back in the air to show his innocence, but Esme kept sucking.

“Maybe you should tell her to stop?” suggested Karma.

Brody shrugged. “It’s just part of the contest. You know I’d never cheat on you.”

“Mhm,” said Karma in the sassiest way possible.

Esme kept sucking until the buzzer sounded. Then she looked out at the crowd and put her hand over her mouth like she was all embarrassed.

“Wow, Esme. So you decided to go for a blowjob too?”

“I don’t know what happened. I just got caught up in the moment and I was thinking about how good that jet ski felt earlier. And I really want to win.” She turned to Karma. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine,” said Karma. “I don’t blame you. I’m gonna go all out too.”