Opening the door to the small attached garage, I flip the lights on and start pulling tarps off. I finally find what I’m looking for.

“Ah ha! Gotcha!”

An old dresser sits before me. Dusty, dirty, but a light shining through what I can do with this blank canvas. I drag it out, rushing inside to grab my painting supplies. Coming back out, I smile, knowing exactly what I plan to do. And once it’s done, I’ll post it up and hopefully make my first sale.

Picking up the cloth, I clean the old dresser up. It’s already stripped down and just begging for that new coat of paint.

Here’s to the future of my dreams…

Chapter four

Pretty as Sunflower


Ipullupmydriveway from the grocery store to find Tobias sitting on my front step, Dagda right next to him.

I shake my head, a huge grin across from my face. The two of them are a match made in heaven. Getting out, I grab a few bags and head toward the boys.

“Whatcha doing, Tobs?”

He looks up and grins. “Waitin’ for you! I got my question for the day!”

Chuckling, I sit down next to him as Dagda licks my face. “Alright, let’s hear it.”

“Can I pick some sunflowers from your garden for my mommy? I got…” he pulls out a handful of change. “Some coins I can give you. Three nickels, two pennies, and one big quarter.”

I gently close his hand back up. “You never have to pay for flowers from my garden, buddy. Save that money for something special.”

“Those flowers are special. Sunflowers are my mommy’s favorite and she’s been real sad lately.”

“Uh, oh. Why?”

Tobias shrugs as I open my door, pushing the bags into the doorway before closing it.

“Her boss is a meany and fired her. But she said everything will be fine.”

“She got fired? When?”

We walk toward the garden and Tobias sighs. “Yesterday.”

“Well, shit.”

“That’s a bad word.”

I laugh as I grab the special scissors from the basket hanging on the fence. “You’re right, I’m sorry. So, let me tell you all about these flowers.”

Tobias crouches down next to me, eyes directed toward the flowers.

“I’ve planted all different types. Tall ones, little ones, red, yellow, black. Which ones do you think she’ll like?”

He eyes all of them before pointing out one deep red one. “That one. It’s so pretty like her.”

I nod, cutting the one flower. “That it is. Let’s cut some other ones too. We can make a nice bouquet of them.”

Cutting a few more, I walk toward my garage; Tobias and Dagda in my shadows. I find a piece of string and tie them all together, then hand them to Tobias.

“Here ya go, bud. And anytime you want more, let me know and I’ll cut some for you.”