Chapter one

Bring on the Bloom


Iwipethesweatfrom my brow, dropping the heavy box on the ground as I lean against the wall.Why did I not hire movers? Oh yeah, because it was too expensive…Shaking my head, I pick the box up and bring it into the kitchen.

This move has been the biggest pain in my butt, but I know it will all be worth it for me and Tobias.Speaking of…My five-year-old comes running past me, his wheeling suitcase trying to stay on its wheels as he sprints through the empty house.

I can’t help but smile at my little boy. We’ve been through hell and back together in his five short years, yet he still has such a positive outlook on everything. No matter what is thrown our way, Tobias has a smile on his face.

Grabbing my water bottle, I take a swig just as somebody bangs on our front door. Placing it down, I head over and open it. A large man stands on my front stoop, hisverytattooed arms crossed across hisenormouschest. His long brown hair reaches past his shoulders and I can’t help but be a tad turned on by him.

I mean,come on.He’s every woman’s walking book boyfriend fantasy! But then I look into his very blue, andveryangry eyes and know this will not go like my smut books.

“Uh… can I help you?”

He points toward the red truck in the yard and speaks in a soft Irish brogue. “That your truck?”

“Well, technically, no.” He glares at me as I slink back. “I’m renting it and have to bring it back sometime this week. But I have to figure out a ride or something. Cause ya know, cars aren’t great for moving or pulling a trailer.”

The man huffs. “You think you’re funny?”

I nervously laugh. “I mean… kinda.”

“You need to move it. That damn truck is blocking my driveway and I have shit to do. Not everybody has the luxury of taking the day off.”

Now I’m upset with the sexy Irish man. This is not how it happens in my books…

“Whoa, man. I thought that was an old road or something. I mean, who has two driveways attached to one entrance?”

He arches his eyebrows at me. “Did you even bother to look at thetwomailboxes at the end ofyourdriveway?”

“Mmm, you have a point. I’m really sorry about this. Not how I wanted to meet my new neighbors! I’m Juniper by the way, but you can call me June.”

“Move the truck, Juniper.”

“Have ya heard of manners?”

He runs his hand through his hair and looks back at me. “Please, move the truck, Juniper.”

Winking, I push past him. “Much better, thank you.”

I head outside, parking the truck on the side of the road instead. Making my way back to my house, the man is still standing there.

“What’s your name?”

He sneers. “Cody. Stay on your property and we won’t have any more issues.”

“You got it, grouchy pants.”

He looks at me, annoyed, before turning. I stifle a laugh as I watch Cody head toward his truck.

He revs his truck as he tears up his driveway. Shaking my head, I turn around to see Tobias standing behind me with a half-eaten cookie in his hand.

“Man, mommy. That guy needs one of these cookies. They always help me when I’m hangry.”

Laughing, I ruffle his hair and shut the door. “You’re right, buddy. Maybe we’ll bake him some tomorrow. Now, let’s get finished unpacking some things. Then we’ll head out and explore our new town!”