Page 11 of Strongest Souls



Iprowl through the tunnels. With my mission done, I am once again adrift. When the queen first sent us to find the unchanged woman, I thought she was going to reward us with a feast, but instead we had to lock her up with her companions.

We couldn’t even eat the partially changed man.

My mandibles twitch even though I’m not hungry, having hunted while searching for her. Julie. That is what the queen called her. She does not call me anything.

I dislike the sensation that crawls through me. It’s sharp and painful. I don’t know how long I’ve been in the castle, serving the queen, but I do know that those who refuse to fight are tossed out to climb. Most fall and are eaten.

Some are never seen again.

Without thinking, my stalking has led me back to the cell where Julie and her companions are. What kind of monster befriends two humans?

I don’t trust the gray monster for that reason. He could have eaten them both. As I move silently down the tunnel, I hope he has eaten them. That only he remains because then I can send him to the spire.

I pause before rounding the corner and peer through the dimness. Light slants through the hole in the roof, but at the end there is still clearly three of them.

The queen wantsJulieto change before she will see her. I shouldn’t question the queen, but I don’t understand why she is so interested in this one. I brought her two others, hoping they would satisfy her need for a Julie. Neither of the first two were Julie, and I did not get to eat either of them.

For a moment, I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn’t here. I wouldn’t be told what to do and I could eat whoever I wanted. I could eat those three and then leave, but a part of me wants to understand why the queen wanted Julie if not to eat. And why haven’t I left before?

The three of them sit close together on the floor, and while I can’t make out the words, they are talking because I can hear the soft murmur, their laughter. I don’t miss the way she touches the monster on the arm and leans into him like she has no fear.

What kind of a monster is he that he doesn’t bite her hand off?

As I watch they move. At first, I think it’s to fight, but no one screams. I don’t understand what they are doing, but I can’t look away. A memory rises and I realize the monster is mounting her.

I stare as he works his cock into her. Then as he bites the tail off the man.

I smell the spilled blood and something else. It twists inside of me, and I don’t want to eat her anymore, even though I should because she’s unchanged. I lean further out, so I can see better. They won’t notice me as they are too caught up in whatever they are doing.

The monster groans…is he in pain?

No, he is enjoying himself. I withdraw and lean against the cool stone of the tunnel. Why would Julie let a monster mount her? My belly churns and heats as if just watching has done something to me.

I stare at my hands, but they remain the same. Pointed and green. But I know they weren’t always like that. I know monsters change. I have changed. The burning in my gut continues.

Their moans and sighs echo along the tunnel.

The scent of their rutting fills my lungs.

I can’t stay here. But I can’t move either.

The armor over my belly splits, and I expect my guts to spill out onto the tunnel floor. Something spills out, but it’s not my guts. I stare at the pale green length, confused as it thickens and rises, until I realize I am now capable of mounting the creature called Julie.

Perhaps that is what the queen wants.



While it wasn’t Joe fucking me, the feel of his hands on my shoulders was reassuring. Familiar. I miss the touch as he steps away. I lift my gaze from my clawed hands to look up at him. His tail is gone, and the stump looks raw and painful.

He got the worst end of that encounter.

Even as Theo pulls out, a ripple of pleasure rolls through me and I stifle the moan that wants to form.