Page 31 of Hardest Hearts

“Maybe now isn’t the time to share your knowledge with everyone,” Theo mutters. He has made no move to attack, even though he is now twice my height.

Maybe not, but it makes them pause.

I want Michael and Joe to stand. With all four of us facing them, they might run.

The cactus-hugger moves closer to Michael and lifts one of its spiked arms as though to skewer him through the chest. It watches me as if it knows exactly what it’s doing, but is curious to know how I’ll react.

“No!” I can’t lose him. I grab a handful of dirt, and then I’m up and moving before I even have a plan.

Theo growls a warning.

I throw myself between Michael and the monster. The monster grabs me with its arms that end in hands, lifting me off the ground and stabbing down at Michael.

Its eyes are dark, and its mouth has pincers instead of lips.

Suddenly, it’s attention darts from me to where I think Michael is. There was no cry of pain, so hopefully it missed. I take the opportunity to use my weapon and throw the dirt in its face.

The monster rears back, dropping me. My feet hit the ground and I almost topple over, but I find my balance at the last second.

Michael has its pointed limb in his hands. “Hide in the shadow.”

With fear making my heartbeat fast, I don’t argue. I run.

Behind me there is a snap and a howl, but I know enough not to turn back. I take a breath and skid into the shadow, expecting only darkness. Instead, I crash into the leg of a giant.

Theo is twice as tall as he was, tall enough that I could run between his legs—and get smacked in the face by his dick. His skin is gray and if the arm that pulled me free of Joe’s tail was withered, he is now thin enough to be made of little more than twigs. He doesn’t seem sturdy at all…how can he fight when there is almost nothing of him?

He glances at me and it’s all I can do not to step back. My eyes widen though and I’m sure he can sense my fear because something flickers over his face, even though his eyes are dark pools of nothing. It’s his mouth that is the worst, a gaping round maw filled with teeth that go on forever.

A thump and a cry make me turn, then the broken body of the cactus-hugger lands at my feet. Theo scoops it up and shoves it into his mouth, and in seconds it’s gone, bones and all, like he’s some kind of garbage disposal unit on legs. My mouth hangs open. He spits out the arm spikes and they clatter to the stony ground.

As I watch, he fills out, losing the withered appearance and gaining muscle. I don’t know what kind of monster he is , only that he is nothing close to human.

He’s been to the center, that’s why.

But it was easier when I thought of him as a clawed shadow.

I pick up one spike. I could use it as a sword, not that I know how to use one of them either. In my hands it’s wet with spit and blood, and one side is serrated.

“Don’t,” Theo warns.

“It will be fine. I know how to change back.” That doesn’t stop the fear of the change, but it gives me something to hold on to.

Clutching the spike, I step out of the shadow. Joe is on the ground, tail lashing out and tripping the armored cat over like he wants to avoid killing it. Michael is bleeding, stabbed through the arm.

I watch as Joe plays with it. His annoyance rolls off him and if he loses his temper, he will kill. The monster’s stomach isn’t armored. The spike is heavy in my hands. I can do this.

I’m not fighting to be the biggest monster. I’m doing it to protect those I care about.

The monster lashes out, claws latching onto Joe’s tail. Joe tosses it to the side, but it remains attached, then to the other side, closer to me.

I charge forward, spike ready.

Michael crashes into me and I drop the spike.

“No!” I scrabble for the spike to help Joe.

“He’s got it.”