Page 82 of The Beach Escape

She cocked her head to the side, looking baffled. “I am. We just covered that.”

“No, I mean sail this first leg with me today. I’ll have someone pick you up at the town where I’m planning on anchoring tonight.”

She looked at him with the same hesitant look she’d had the first day she climbed aboard his boat. “Come sailing with you, all day, on the open water?” He started to backpedal, thinking maybe he’d pushed too far, too fast. But before he could even complete the thought, her concerned look melted into an energetic smile. “I’m kidding. I’d love to.”

He pulled her closer to him. “‘Love.’ That word sounds good coming from you.” He playfully kissed her lips.

“After trying to keep it in for so long, it feels really good to say.”

“Then what do you say we get out of here? There are adventures to be had.”

“Sounds ideal.”

He hopped down to the dock and untied the ropes, tossing them on board. He gave the dock a strong shove before he climbed back onto the boat to join Molly. “Next stop, forever.”

She grinned. “Forever. I like the sound of that.”

So did he. Even more than he’d thought he would. “I almost forgot to ask. Do you want a life jacket? Or two?” He started to grab one from the storage bin where he kept them.

“No.” She laced her fingers through his and they walked up to the helm. “Today, I think I’ll risk it.”


Molly blinked against the glareof the headlights as she stood, clutching her coffee mug in the parking lot of her old condo building. It was early. Really early.

Grant’s jeep pulled to a stop next to her, and she stepped forward to open the passenger door.

“This had better be good,” she grumped as she slid into the seat and fastened her seatbelt. They’d come back to Emerald Cove for a visit, and she’d stayed up far too late with Ellyn and Hadley.

True, they came for regular visits, but this time, she’d been telling them all about her new, permanent job as a staff vet at the local zoo and aquarium. It took her back to her first passion and, so far, she loved it. And, of course, she’d had to hear about Ellyn’s new artist and Hadley’s new adventures as the owner of The Beach Read coffee and bookshop. And there was laughing. Lots and lots of laughing.

Then, as she’d been heading to bed—well past midnight—Grant had called to say he had a surprise for her. One that required him to pick her up at four a.m.

“It’s going to be great. You’re going to love it.” He flashed her one of his charming grins before he leaned across the seat and gave her a quick kiss.

“Where have I heard that before?” She let the sweetness of his good-morning kiss flow through her. But she had to admit, with the amount of sleep she was missing, this needed to be better than great.

They drove for about twenty minutes before Grant pulled into a vacant beach access parking lot along a stretch of the coast that didn’t seem to be inhabited. They got out of the car and she peered through the darkness, searching for something recognizable.

“Where are we?”

“You’ll see.” He handed her a flashlight that emitted a faint red glow. “Follow me.”

Molly sighed, draining off the rest of her coffee before she left the empty cup in the car. In the year they’d been together, she’d learned that it was useless to ask too many questions on one of these surprise adventures. He never gave up the details.

Also, though she wouldn’t admit this to Grant for fear of it going to his head, his surprise destinations were always great.

She used the red light to illuminate her path as they walked down a wooden staircase to the beach and turned left, sticking close to the dunes.

“We have a short walk to get to where we’re going. But it’s a nice morning for a stroll, don’t you think?” He kept his voice at a low whisper.

Molly glanced around at the empty beach as the chill from the pre-dawn breeze blew past them. “Is it fair to call this morning? Or are we technically still in night territory?”

Grant chuckled. “Point taken. But trust me, this is worth it.”

They walked for a few more minutes in easy silence before Grant slowed. He turned off his flashlight and crept forward, studying the dunes as if looking for something. Molly followed his lead, although she had no idea what she was searching for or why they couldn’t use their flashlights to find it.

Then she caught sight of movement from somewhere in front of them. It was just a flurry, and she only caught it out of the corners of her eyes. She turned that direction, but she couldn’t make out anything other than sand. What had caused it?