Page 63 of The Beach Escape

“Now she switches to an all-live diet to get her in the habit of catching her own food again, and we’ll fit her with her shiny new tracker on Friday. In the meantime, we celebrate.”

“After we get her back in her tank, of course.”

“Right. Walk with me to help lift her?”

“I’d love to.” They lifted her from the scale into her transport cart and he pushed it out of the vet suite into the hall, with Molly walking along next to him.

“With any luck, this will be the last time Hope ever sets a flipper inside a building.”

“It’s an incredible feeling, watching a situation that seemed bleak turn into a celebration. Is this first-timer emotion, or do they all feel this way?”

Grant stopped in front of Hope’s tank, his own spirit soaring. “They pretty much all feel this way. But you think this is emotional? Wait until the moment we put her back in the ocean.” They set the giant turtle in the tank and stood there for a second, watching her flippers paddle through the clear water. “Be prepared for ugly crying. I’d say I’d bring a hanky for you, but since we’ll be chest-deep in the water, I don’t think hankies will be of much use.”

Molly looked taken aback. “We’ll be in the water?”

“Of course—how else do you think we’ll get Hope out to sea? We usually wade at least waist-deep before we let her go. We want her path to be as clear as possible.”

“We? As in me?” She pointed a finger at herself. “I get to carry her into the water on release day?”

“You pulled her out of the ocean and have cared for her the entire time she’s been here. It’s only fitting that you’re the one to carry her back in, don’t you think?”

Her hand covered her mouth as tears glistened in her eyes. “Oh gosh, cue the ugly crying already.” She waved her hand in front of her face in an attempt to dry her eyes before she pressed it back to her mouth. “I’m so honored.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

Grant wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “These are happy tears, right?”

He could feel Molly’s head nod against his chest. “Perfectly happy. Exuberant, even.”

“How about we take these happy tears and celebrate over dinner?” A gush of excitement mixed with nervousness rushed through him. But it was the good kind of nervousness. The anticipatory kind that circled back to excitement. “I was thinking about grilling, and I have an oceanside table reserved for the occasion.”

Molly seemed to stiffen in his arms. Then she stepped back from his embrace, swiping at the moisture on her cheeks. “Dinner?”

“Yes. I thought maybe we’d celebrate my official acceptance of the new job too. Or the beginning of my one-month countdown, whichever way you want to look at it.”

“You took the job.” Her words were airy, as if she were saying them to herself instead of him, but he answered anyway.

“I accepted this morning.” The theme of the day seemed to be new beginnings, and he was hoping to add one more to the tally over dinner—the beginning of a new relationship. The thought sent excitement buzzing through him. “Join me for dinner?”

“Oh… I, um…” Molly nibbled her bottom lip, and the mood between them seemed to shift. “It’s just that I have a lot I need to get done tonight.”

His own good mood stuttered. “Sure. Everything okay?”

She waved a dismissive hand. “Of course. My time here is coming to a close too, and you know how it is. A lot of loose ends to tie up before I head off to my next assignment. Plus, I told Hadley and Ellyn I’d try to join them for a late dinner.” Her smile returned, although it looked a lot more forced than natural. “Raincheck?”

“Absolutely.” He tried to shake the feeling that something was off. “Is there anything I can help with?”

“Nah. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” She jerked her thumb toward the building. “But I’m going to finish up that paperwork. I don’t want anything to keep Hope from having her big day. And I wanted to check on Shelley’s incision site and get a weight on the hatchlings before it gets too dark.”

“Right. I need to get started on feeding everyone. I’m covering for Claire, since she’s on her honeymoon. But I gotta say, feeding this crew is one stinky job.”

Molly giggled, some of the spark he loved returning to her eyes. “Let me know if I need to find you a clothespin for your nose.”

“You laugh, but the stank of squid is no joke. Think of me as you’re doing your non-smelly tasks.”

“May the force be with you.” There was laughter in her voice as she looked into his eyes, then it was as if everything froze and the two of them were suspended in time.

He wasn’t sure what had triggered the progression, but something must’ve. The laughter dancing in her eyes flickered and was replaced by a flash of sadness. And just like a wave that rolled up on the beach, he felt her slowly slipping away.

“I’m outta here. Is there anything you need before I leave?” Mateo called, breaking up the moment.