Page 58 of The Beach Escape

Mateo’s eyes narrowed like a detective evaluating the suspect’s interrogation. “A friend, huh?”

Clearly that was the wrong answer, but she didn’t know what else to tell him. She didn’t think calling him her non-date plus-one was going to help her case. “It might get more complicated when we’re both in different places, but we’ll figure it out. That’s the benefit of keeping things casual.”

“And what if he’s not looking for casual?”

In theory, she loved the idea of the best friend making sure the love interest was worthy. Everyone deserved someone who had their back like that. In reality, though, she wasn’t sure she liked being the one answering all the questions. Especially when she knew those answers didn’t measure up. “We’re just friends, Mateo. Casual is the only option there is.” There was an edge of annoyance to her voice, but she didn’t care. For starters, Grant had only found out a few hours ago that he’d gotten the job. It was perfectly reasonable for them to not have the answers yet. They would get to that part if people would stop interrupting them.

But there was also the possibility that Mateo’s truthful words had struck a nerve. Casual was all Molly had to offer. Forever was not an option for her. If that wasn’t what Grant was looking for…

“The thing is,” Mateo continued, his gaze back on the dance floor, “Grant has a big heart. For better or for worse, the guy goes all in or not at all. He’s gotten his heart broken a few times because of it.”

And suddenly, Molly realized what was happening here. Mateo wasn’t asking Molly questions to get to the truth. He was asking questions so Molly would get to the truth. “It’s not like… I mean, we’re not…” She fumbled over the words, looking for some way to justify her side, but she couldn’t find any. Mateo was right, and she knew it.

“He’s put his own life on hold to help everyone else. And now that he’s getting a shot at living his dream, I’d hate to see him jeopardize it because he’s holding out for something that doesn’t exist.”

Molly watched Grant perform the goofy dance next to his sister, a broad, joyful smile lighting up his handsome face, and what was left of the effervescent sparkles drained out of her. “I’d hate to see that as well,” she said quietly.

In other words, Mateo was telling her she had a choice to make. When it came to Grant, she either needed to go all in…

Or she needed to walk away before someone got hurt.

Chapter Seventeen

The first thing Grant wantedto do after finishing his brotherly dancing and toasting duties was find Molly. Now that he knew how he felt about her and what he wanted their relationship to look like, he didn’t want to waste any time not being around her. Plus, if he was reading the signals right, she was feeling the same way.

“What did you think of my toast?” he asked her. “Perfect combination of heart and humor, right?” She wasn’t holding her glass up, but he clinked his against it anyway. “I hate to brag, but I pretty much nailed it.”

He was energized. The day had been a complete success. The wedding had been great, Claire was happy, Molly was amazing, he’d gotten the job he wanted, and he was in love. Fine, maybe “love” was a bit bold, but he was solidly in like and cruising in that direction.

“It was great.” She flashed one of her dazzling grins, but the gesture didn’t come anywhere close to reaching her eyes.

Concern crept in, causing his euphoric wave to mellow. “Are you okay?”

She waited a beat before answering. “Of course.”

It might’ve been a positive answer, but something was off. He searched her eyes for a moment, looking for any sign of what could be bothering her.

The concern must’ve been evident on his face because she laid a hand on his forearm and her voice softened a bit. “I’m fine. I just have a headache.”

“You want to take a walk? Maybe a stroll on the beach will help.” Plus, there was something he wanted to tell her and he’d rather do it where there wasn’t the chance of getting interrupted again.

She visibly relaxed. “That sounds nice.”

They set their glasses on a nearby table and headed down the serpentine, torch-lit path that ran along the edge of the property. They strolled a bit until they got to the long wooden staircase that led from the bluff to the beach. The brightness of the twinkle lights began to dissipate as they descended the steps, and the music from the band faded into the sounds of the waves washing up on the beach.

“I don’t think you could ask for a more beautiful night,” Molly said as she sank down on the bottom step and started to unbuckle the ankle straps of her stiletto sandals.

Grant looked out over the water. A perfect half-moon hung in the velvet sky, and its reflection danced on the ocean’s surface. “I’m pretty sure we paid for that as part of the deposit.”

She chuckled, and part of his good mood returned—not quite to the level it had been during their dance, but it was close. Most of that was because being with her, especially on the beach, felt right. It felt like where he belonged.

With both sandals hanging from her finger, she stepped off the final step. They walked across the soft sand to the spot just above where the waves rolled to a stop.

“I’m going to miss this when I’m gone. Way more than I thought I would.” She wiggled her toes in the sand.

“There are very few things that beat standing at the edge of the ocean.”

“Is one of them standing on the deck of your boat in the middle of it?”