Page 54 of The Beach Escape

The pair started down the aisle, and Molly’s gaze shifted to Grant. Seriously, it should be illegal to look that good in a tux. It wasn’t that it was perfectly fitted, although clearly the tailor in Emerald Cove was just this side of a magician. Most of what made Grant irresistible was the way he wore it—with confidence and charm and kindness.

The fact that she found him irresistible was a whole conversation for another day. Non-date plus-ones who were zoned for the friend category were not supposed to be irresistible, even if they had played an important role in her heart-mending process. Her heart needed to get on board with what her head had already decided before this got out of control, but she didn’t want to ruin this beautiful moment with that sort of stern self-talking-to.

They made it to the front and stopped next to Lance. Instead of the usual kiss on the cheek, Grant shook his sister’s hand, both of them looking serious and formal. But right before their hands should’ve broken, mischievous grins spread across their faces.

Still holding right hands, they grasped each other’s left hand, doing two over-exaggerated shakes. They let go, their arms windmilling over their head. Both jumped around so they were back-to-back. In a choreographed moved, they wiggled their hips with their hands in the air, first to the right and then to the left. They hopped around to give each other double high-fives and ended with a hip bump.

Laughter drifted up from the guests at the fun brother-sister display. As soon as the handshake routine was over, Grant engulfed his sister in a giant, protective bear hug. He whispered something in her ear, turned to shake Lance’s hand, and stepped out from in between them.

Molly could see tears glistening in his eyes as he made his way over to take his seat next to her. “Well done, big brother,” she whispered, rubbing his back.

He swiped at his eyes. “I’m not crying, you’re crying.”

She quietly chuckled and pulled a tissue from the pack in her clutch, handing it to him. “How about we cry together?”

He let out a soft sigh, beaming with pride. “They make a beautiful couple. It’s a happy day,” he whispered.

“Yes, it is.” She slipped her arm through his and settled in to watch the start of their promise of forever.

His sister was married. It was a weird thought. Sure, he was happy for them. Claire and Lance had the kind of relationship that reminded him of their parents’, but it was still weird. His baby sister was now someone’s wife.

“I think that does it for the family photos,” the photographer announced after what felt like a thousand shots with every different combination of people imaginable. “Everyone but the bride and groom are free to go.”

Unbuttoning his jacket, he stepped away from the group and made his way to where Molly was waiting. “My jaw is officially sore from all the smiling.” He rubbed his hand along his jawline.

“One day you’ll be glad to have the photos that captured these moments.” Molly handed him one of the glasses of champagne she was holding.

“Lucky for me, we took so many, I’ll be able to choose the exact moment I want to remember.”

They walked over to the split-rail fence that ran along the edge of the bluff to watch Claire, Lance, and the photographer make their way down the long wooden staircase to the beach below for more pictures. The crowd of family members who’d hung around the ceremony space for the photo shoot started to dissipate as most people headed for the pool area, where the cocktail hour and reception were located. Before long, Molly and Grant were left standing there alone.

It was a beautiful summer evening. The soft light from the low-slung sun made the colors of nature more vibrant. The rich green of the grass they were standing on, the vivid blue of the sky, the jewel-like teal of the water, the pure white of the sand. This view, the view of home, had always resonated with him, but tonight it seemed even more impactful.

“While there’s a break in your official brotherly duties, I wanted to take the moment to propose a toast.”

“Smiling that much is hard on the cheek muscles, but I’m not sure it’s toast-worthy.”

Molly didn’t even dignify the joke with a laugh. “I’m sure Claire is exceedingly grateful for your sacrifice. But this isn’t wedding-related.”

Her gaze swept through him like a breeze, filling him with an odd combination of exuberance mixed with peace. It was that feeling of knowing he was exactly where he wanted to be. “So, what non-wedding related topic are we toasting?”

“You,” she said simply, holding up her glass.


“Well, not just you. To your new job.”

“I told you I haven’t accepted it yet, right?”

She waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Details. What we’re toasting tonight is the pursuit of your dream, and that the board of directors decided what the rest of us already knew, that you’re amazing and talented and anyone would be lucky to have you as the director of their team.”

“That’s a really long sentence.”

She shot him a warning look. “Are you going to take the compliment or not?”

He bowed slightly as a sort of apology. “Please continue.”

“As I was saying…” She drawled the last word out with an exaggerated eyeroll. Then she held her glass up and switched to an authentic tone. “I’m really proud of you, Grant. Congrats.”