Page 29 of The Beach Escape

“I’m trying to convince your brother that the gorgeous waters of the panhandle are just as good as, if not better than, the Bahamas.”

Claire nodded. “Agreed. Does that mean you were able to talk her into going snorkeling?”

“Wait, what?” Molly’s eyes got large and she turned to him.

A dash of nervousness shot through his veins. That was another question he’d had for her, but he’d hoped to present it to her a little more gently to let her warm up to the idea. But this had all the gentleness of being pegged with a giant water balloon. “We were actually talking about entering Hope in The Great Turtle Race,” he explained to his sister while keeping his gaze locked with Molly’s, trying to gauge her reaction.

“Oh.” Claire made a face that showed she realized she’d spilled the beans. Then she tiptoed around them to put Hope’s food in her tank, as if trying to not step in the mess she’d made.

“What’s this about snorkeling?” Molly asked, her pointed gazed burning into him.

“I was thinking it’d be fun for your next excursion. You can’t come to our gorgeous coast and not admire the ocean life.”

“Snorkeling means swimming in the middle of the ocean, right?” She propped her hands on her hips. “I thought we agreed on no more swimming in the middle of the ocean.”

“Is it still considered the middle of the ocean if you can see land?” Claire chimed in from the far side of the tank.

Grant jerked his thumb in her direction. “What she said.”

“Tag-teamed by the siblings? This is hardly fair.” Molly gave him a pointed look that was part serious but mostly playful.

“I’ve gotta finish up getting everyone fed so I can get out of here.” Claire pulled a face that was the visual representation of “oops” as she set the empty stainless-steel bowl on the cart. She pulled off another containing a combination of leafy greens, which she shoved into Grant’s hand. “Plus, I’m gonna excuse myself from this awkward conversation I inadvertently created.” She pushed the cart onto the main path, heading the direction of the Discovery Lagoon. “It’ll be fun,” she called over her shoulder.

“She’s not wrong.” Grant leaned against the tank and focused on Molly, adding a bit more compassion to his voice. “It is swimming in the middle of the ocean, but you can see the bottom and the boat will be nearby. I think you’ll love it.”

Molly snagged her bottom lip as she considered the activity, a healthy dose of anxiousness swirling in her eyes. But then she shook her head slightly as if shaking off whatever fear was holding her back. “No, you’re right.” She drew in a breath, and her eyes met his. “Let’s do it.”

“So that’s a yes?” Excitement for Saturday started to build up inside.

“Yes,” she said eventually. “But you don’t have to take me to do things every weekend. The deal was for once or twice a month, remember? I think you’ve more than met your quota for this month.”

Grant shrugged, scattering a few pieces of lettuce around Hope’s tank. “True. But that was when you said you were only coming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Seeing as how it’s Wednesday, we’re going to have to up our excursion quota.”

Molly playfully shook her head and snagged a few pieces of greens from the bowl, dropping them on the other side of the tank. “I’m here because I want to be. Plus, you’ve got baby turtles, so now it’s going to be hard to keep me away.”

Grant strolled around the tank, scattering more of the greens for Hope. “The truth is, you’re an important part of our team. Look at all the turtles you’re helping while you’re here. Hope, Shelley, those new little guys who don’t have names yet.”

“Buzz and Woody.”


“The hatchlings’ names are Buzz and Woody. I guess the wildlife expert who brought them in named them. Something about them being found on the way to ‘infinity and beyond.’”

“Cute. Visitors are going to love that.” He dumped the last of the bowl’s contents into the tank. “The fact that you know all the turtles’ names is proof that a single ride on my boat and a trip to a self-serving turtle vet conference isn’t enough payment.”

Molly leaned against the tank next to him. “As long as you’re sure it’s not putting you out.”

“Are you kidding? This is the kind of stuff I live for. I’m never going to pass up the chance to spend the day on the water.” Especially when that day included his new favorite veterinarian.

“In that case, it’s kind of like I’m doing you a favor,” she joked, a cute little snarky grin tugging at the corner of her mouth.

“Exactly. So we’ll see you at ten on Saturday for the snorkeling trip?”

“I’ll be there with bells on.” She shrugged. “And my lifejacket and floaties, and I might even bring my noodle again.”

Grant could feel his grin throughout his entire body. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

Chapter Nine