Page 76 of The Beach Escape

Molly glanced the other way to make sure Grant wasn’t coming from the office or the giftshop. The last of the tour made it outside, and still the hallway remained empty. “Is it just us today?”

Claire wheeled the cart next to the exam table and locked the brakes. “Yep. The new girl is orienting outside today. I didn’t want to disrupt her flow by bringing her into this yet.”

“Right.” Molly tried to push the disappointment aside. Doing the exam with Claire was probably better anyway, since she’d be the one at the release. Plus, it would be a lot less awkward. Still, she was caught off guard by how much she missed Grant being there. But that was natural, right? It didn’t mean walking away had been a mistake.

She shook her head to clear her mind and focused on the task at hand. After all, that was the real reason she was here, wasn’t it? “And how is our patient today?” She helped Claire lift the green turtle to the exam table.

“Looking good. She’s finished her treatments, hit all of her rehab goals, and has a healthy, appropriate appetite. She’s swimming in a full tank with a high level of activity. I’d say she presents like a turtle in great health.”

Molly bent over to examine Swifty. “Then what do you say we make it official and get you out of here.”

After the comprehensive exam, Molly confirmed that Taylor Swifty was indeed in great health and ready to be sent home. The official release was scheduled for the following Thursday.

“You’ll be there, right?” Claire asked as they loaded the turtle onto the transport cart. “Even though this release is technically public, it’ll be much smaller than the last one. I have to say, I kind of like the smaller send-offs because they feel more personal, you know?”

Molly nodded. “I have to check the schedule at the vet clinic, but I’ll do everything in my power to not miss it.”

Claire disappeared from the room, and Molly stood next to the counter, finishing up all the notes she needed to put in the chart. After she signed the official release, that would be the last time she touched that chart, which was a good thing. Her entire goal for being here was to help more turtles return to the ocean faster. With two turtles back where they belonged and two more following close behind, Molly would say her time here had been a success. Grant and his persuasive, charming grin could be thanked for that.

She headed across the hall to his office with the finished chart in her hand, to let him know. Plus, if he wasn’t going to come see her after their conversation, the least she could do was go see him.

Weaving through the desks in the open main space, she made her way to Grant’s office. As she rounded the last corner and caught sight of the interior, she paused mid-step. Grant wasn’t sitting behind his desk. Mateo was.

Or maybe it would be more accurate to say Mateo was sitting behind his own desk.

“Hey.” She had to force herself to casually walk the last few steps into the office, doing her best to keep the surprise out of her voice. “Look at you behind the big desk.”

Mateo looked up from his work and waved her in. “This chair is a lot more comfortable than my old one, but spending this much time inside is going to take some getting used to.”

“I bet.” She held up the tablet in her hand. “I’m dropping off Taylor Swifty’s chart. Do I give this to you or Grant?” She made it a point to stare straight ahead and not glance over her shoulder to look for him. Where was he?

“Grant’s already left for the day. Besides, all of this technically falls to me now, since I officially took over the position yesterday.” He held out his hand to accept the tablet, an air of formalness surrounding him. “Sit, tell me about the exam.”

Molly tentatively perched on the edge of the chair across from his desk. Even though she’d sat in this same spot many times before, it felt different now. “I didn’t realize Grant ever left early.” Once again, disappointment and perhaps a tinge of guilt pulled on her.

Mateo absentmindedly nodded as he tapped on the screen to review the chart. “It used to be a rare occurrence. But he had a few things to take care of before the move.”

On the same night she was here? “Oh.” Molly hadn’t meant for the word to sound as disappointed as it had. She quickly changed the subject, hoping Mateo wouldn’t notice. “Swifty’s exam was perfect. She appears to be in great health. I don’t see any reason she can’t be released.”

“Good.” Mateo finished reading the chart. Finally, apparently satisfied with what he read, he pushed the tablet back and looked up at Molly. “I haven’t said this before, but your help over the last few months has been invaluable. We really do appreciate you.”

“Thanks, Mateo. That means a lot.” She had to swallow the lump that formed in her throat at the thought of leaving. And the thought of other people leaving. “I gotta say, this job looks good on you.”

He leaned back in his chair, looking the most comfortable and the most like his old, joking self since he’d taken over the new role. “You think? Because a couple of these computer programs seem to disagree.”

Molly motioned to the two computer screens in front of him. “Keep reminding them who’s the boss. They’ll come around.”

Mateo chuckled. “Is that formal IT advice?”

“Consider it a free tidbit from one recent newbie to another.”

Mateo paused, his playful demeanor turning more serious. “Listen, what I said the other night at the wedding…” He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “I might have overstepped.”

Molly waved her hand to dismiss the thought. “You were looking out for your friend. I respect that.”

“Yeah. I might’ve gotten a little caught up making sure he got what he wanted. But for the record, we all like you. And Grant is a great guy. Literally, the best.”

“And like I said before, he’s just a friend.” No matter how much her heart disagreed. She pushed away the nagging feeling and focused on Mateo. Besides, he’d been right, hadn’t he? “No hard feelings.”