Page 36 of The Beach Escape

“Let’s do it.” She hesitantly reached out to take his hand again. As a friend. Completely neutral. Ready to follow hertour guideto their next destination.

But apparently her hand didn’t read memos.

Grant was one hundred percent content as he started the engines to head home. Every last detail of their day had been perfect. The weather had been fantastic, his boat was full of the people he loved having a good time, and he and Molly had even seen a spotted ray, an octopus, and two happy, healthy green sea turtles. He’d classify the day as a success.

“Thought you might want some company,” Mateo said as he climbed up the steps to join him at the helm. He handed Grant one of the icy cans of sparkling water with a lime wedge sticking out of the top.


“What a day, huh?” Mateo stood next to him and took a long pull from his own drink.

“Can’t beat it.”

They both were quiet for a moment as Grant marinated in the perfection of the day.

“Molly has been a great addition to our crew,” Mateo said eventually.

Just hearing her name caused Grant’s heart to flutter and he glanced down at where Molly was sitting on the bow with Claire and Lance. She was gaining confidence on the boat. And she looked happy.

“We’ve been lucky to have her.” He could think of a lot of reasons to back up that statement, but he decided to focus on the professional. “She’s done some great things, like Shelley’s surgery. Oscar said he hadn’t seen a surgeon that gifted in a long time.”

“A vet who loves sea turtles and gets along with your sister. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was a unicorn. Too good to be true.” And, whether he wanted to or not, his cousin was diving head first into the personal.

The truth was, though, Mateo wasn’t wrong. Grant glanced again at the source of the laughter that floated their direction. Molly and Claire were sitting together, laughing the way friends would. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen it. He’d often find Molly and Claire chatting and hanging out at Turtle Rehab. Their friendship had been easy.

It was no secret that Grant’s exes hadn’t always had the greatest relationship with his sister. Sure, they’d all been civil, but they hadn’t clicked. The biggest example would’ve been his most recent ex. Claire had never liked her, and Jen hadn’t seemed motivated to try to foster a friendship. It was the first sign that their relationship might not work. Family was important.

Molly, on the other hand, seemed to effortlessly fit in with his family. She seemed to effortlessly fit in with his life.

“Too bad she’s not sticking around. But then again, you might not be, either.” There was a hint of question in Mateo’s statement.

He was the only other person besides Molly whom he’d told about the opportunity at the university. Technically, he hadn’t as much told him as Mateo had started to catch whispers of it in the community and had point-blank asked him. It was hard to keep secrets in the turtle world.

“Like I said before, it’s far from a done deal. Getting the job requires the board of directors to be convinced that the most underqualified candidate is best for the position.”

“Underqualified? Because you’re missing a few letters at the end of your name? Your qualifications come from knowledge and experience, which you have hand-over-fist over those other two.”

Grant smirked. He wasn’t usually one to engage in the “yay-me” game, but he had to agree with Mateo on this one. Their other two choices seemed rather underqualified in the experience department. Still, they both had very impressive education backgrounds. “We’ll see if the board feels the same way.”

“And the timing couldn’t be better. Turtle Rehab is in a great place, and Claire’s all grown up. You did good here, my friend.”

“The timing does seem right.” His gaze flickered again to Molly and the familiar feeling soared. A talented vet who loved turtles, got along with his sister, and was ready for an adventure. She was perfect.

“And what about her?” Mateo asked.

“Who? Molly?”

“Yeah, Molly. The one you can’t stop making eyes at.”

Grant took another drink and refocused on the water in front of him. “First of all, I’m not making eyes at anyone.” He shot his cousin a pointed look that was meant just as much for himself. “And secondly, she’ll be gone before I am.” Which meant that whatever was going on here would be over before it even started.

“Great. Then it sounds like there’s nothing standing in your way.”

“Except getting the job.”

“Minor detail.”

“So that’s it? I should start packing my bags.”