
I’m working late– just another typical day at the office. But what isn’t typical are the thoughts running around in my head.

I cannot stop thinking about that new girl. What was her name again?

“Alex? Andrea? Annie?” I muse. “No, that’s not it…Ali!” I say to myself as I recline back in my chair to make room for the swelling in my pants as I picture her ridiculous body for what must be the hundredth time since she walked in.

What an unbelievable beauty. I had to get her out of my sight as quickly as possible. I had a busy workday to get through, and with her around, that simply wouldn’t have been possible. She was fucking up my flow. On top of that, I had to get her as far away from my men as possible. That was even more important.

I saw the way those vultures were looking at her when she came up those stairs looking like a literal sex goddess. Every single eye in the main room was on her, and knowing men like I do (being one of them), I just know exactly what every one of them was thinking when they were looking at her.

As much as she wanted that HR job, there was no way I could allow her to be around my men. All those eyes on her like that, all those filthy fantasies floating around the air. A single day wouldn’t go by before those hyenas would be all over her trying to get in her pants with excuses like taking her out to dinner, showing her the ropes around the office, or whatever other excuses they could come up to try and get in her pants.

I’m not about to let that happen.

The moment I set eyes on her, that tight little body and that sweet ass just stretching that skirt over its curves, all I wanted to do was bend her over my desk and give her a good spanking. So I know the rest of my men were thinking about it too. Those boys say the worst things to each other, whether it’s out on a job or just here in the office. I had to keep Ali away from all that, and the best way to do it was by putting her out at the front desk.

I know that wasn’t what she wanted, but there’s just no way I’m going to let her work in the main office with all my men staring and lusting after her day after day.

My suspicions of that are simply reinforced as I walk past the break room and hear two of my guys, Brian and Jacob, who have also stayed late to finish up some paperwork on a recently completed job.

“You see that new girl the boss was chatting with today?” Brian says. “How about that smokin’ little body on her?”

“Oh, trust me, I saw,” Jacob replies. I can hear the grin on his face. “I don’t know what the hell she’s doing working here, though. She should be modeling or something.”

My blood starts to heat up.

“Well, if she wants any pictures taken, I’d be happy to oblige,” Brian chuckles.

“I’ll be the one taking pictures,” Jacob counters. “When I’m plowing her from behind this Friday.”

“'Sup, fellas?” I say sharply, stepping into the room. My guys look surprised to see me. Jacob nearly falls over. I don’t think either of them knew I was still here. “That’s not going to be happening, okay? Ali is a paid intern, and neither of you is going to be taking pictures, hitting on her or ‘plowing her from behind,’ so you can just get those thoughts outta your head. Got it?”

I’m doing my best to make my point without coming across too protective or letting my anger come through right now either. Right now, I just need to come off as the boss looking out for his new female employee.

“Hey, no problem, boss,” Brian replies, looking sheepish.

“Yup! Nothing!” Jacob stammers. “No hitting on. No picture taking.”

I nod, flash warning finger-guns at them both, and head back to the office to grab my keys.

My car is waiting downstairs. I’m not just going to sit around here all night and listen to these two bozos flap their gums about my new girl; I’m going to do something about her.

I’ve still got her new-employee application in my company e-mail. It’s got her home address on it, which I quickly plug into my car’s GPS. She only lives a short seven-minute drive away, so I waste no time getting moving.

I still can’t get her out of my mind the whole ride over. Those killer curves, the way those hips fought to stretch out of that little skirt she was wearing, the way those eyes seemed to call to me from across the room, and the sheer feminine energy she just radiated the moment she came up the stairs. It was like some force put her on this Earth just to tease me, and it clearly worked, because here I am on my way to her house right now.

Putting her up on the front desk wasn’t even enough. What I really should have done was fire her and get her away from my men. They’re animals, all of them. Even passing her on their way into work, they’ll still get to run their eyes up and down her gorgeous body, and just knowing that already has me so hot with jealousy that my hands are gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles are going white.

I can’t remember the last time I was this obsessed over a girl, and what’s even crazier is I just met this one.

I’m known at work for always keeping my cool and never running my mouth about women. It’s just not my personality, but as the owner, I never felt it was a good example to set anyway.

But when it comes to this new girl, Ali, Christ I can barely control myself.

I want to tell every guy in the office to back the hell off. I want to have my hands on her night and day. I want to know every single thing about her so I can make her mine by tomorrow. And that’s a feeling I’ve never experienced before.

When I pull up in front of Ali’s address, it’s not some lavish luxury home, but a modest apartment, which is a surprise, because most interns who get the spot at my company come from wealthy families. Ali must have worked her fine little ass off in high school to get it.