“What?” she asks in a tone that says she knows exactly what she’s doing.

Leaning against the wall, I give her a look that lets her know that I know she’s screwing with me. But she doesn’t back down. She just sort of smiles back at me, her arms crossed over her chest, lips pursed, waiting for me to make the next move.

Infuriating, but I absolutely love her.

So I slowly walk over to her as she sits there looking up at me, and as she does, slip one hand down the neck of her shirt and cup her left breast.

So soft, so firm, so young.

She tries not to react as I gently pinch her nipple, but I see the flare of excitement in her eyes.

“You think just because you’re sleeping with the boss,” I say, “that you can just run rampant around the office and do whatever you want to do? Promote yourself to another position?”

Ali reacts by reaching out and running her hand up the inside of my thigh with a touch so light and delicate that it sends a tickle through my entire body. She stops just below my cock and tilts her head to the side with a tiny smirk on her face.

“No, I just think because I’m sleeping with the boss that I can now take back the job that the boss originally promised me,” she says, her voice soft and playful, almost teasing. “Doesn’t that make sense?”

Christ, what a firecracker. Forget HR; I might as well make her co-CEO alongside me and have her help me run the whole damn company.

“Jen’s going to think you’re coming for her job, you know?”

Ali smiles. “I’ll only be here until I go to college. She’s got nothing to worry about.”

I can feel myself starting to get hard, but I’ve got a job to get to with the boys in less than a half hour, so I take my hand out of Ali’s shirt and step back, then also remove her hand from my leg. She raises her eyebrows at me.

“Duty calls,” I reply. “But I’ll tell you what you can do while I’m gone.”

“What’s that?”

“You can put together a job posting to find a replacement for the position you just vacated downstairs. Tell Jen I put you in charge of it and she’s not to take over no matter what. Understand?”

Ali puts a hand to her forehead and mimes a mock salute. “Yes, sir.”

In a way, I like having her up here with me. Having Ali in HR means she’s closer, we’ll interact more, and I’ll be able to make up more excuses to see her during the day if and when I feel like it. As long as I maintain control of myself and don’t let things get out of hand, everything should be fine.

The rest of the office is going to figure it out sooner or later, but who cares? So I’m breaking office protocol. I set that office protocol. I’m the boss. I can do whatever I want.

She’s just so damn cute that I can’t resist leaning in for a kiss.

“If only I didn’t have this job today,” I growl, my heart pounding with excitement for her.

“Aren’t you the boss?” she asks with a smile. “Just send someone else.”

“Oh, if only it worked like that,” I chuckle. “There’s a reason I’m the boss of this company. This job requires the boss be there to oversee some very important details. But I will see you when I get back, little missy, so don’t you pull another surprise move like you did this morning and be somewhere else when I get back, understand?”

Ali looks back at me as innocent as she possibly can and nods.

“I understand. You’re very important.”

With a parting kiss, I head to the door. On my way out, I turn and glance back at her. “Oh, and stay clear of these dogs that work here while I’m gone too, understand? They’re animals.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Ali replies.