
Talkabout the world’s biggest fuck-up.

I had it all planned out, and then there had to be a catastrophe at the dig site that had to go and take my plans and blow them all to hell.

I went and got Ali a better paying job at my buddy’s company with a bigger HR department than mine that would get her way more experience for her college resume and had the whole thing planned out so that by the time she showed up at work, I’d be there to surprise her with it.

I’d be able to see the look on her face when she thought she’d been fired, I’d jump out, sweep her into my arms for a huge hug, spring the good news on her, and whisk her away to a nice romantic dinner, where I could tell her all the details.

Unfortunately, that’s not how things played out at all.

A 10cm miscalculation at the dig site caused a collapse of the entire northeast side of the warehouse we’re working on, which meant I had to take over as foreman for the whole day, correcting issues and putting out metaphorical fires.

To make matters worse, my phone slipped out of my pocket into a wheelbarrow of wet cement, completely ruining it. By the time I got off the site and back to the office, it was too late. Jen told me about what had happened, and my heart sank. I drove straight to Ali’s house, but her mom told me she wasn’t home, so I’m on my way to Mel’s right now.

She must hate me, but that’s not what’s killing me. What’s killing me is what I put her through today. Accidentally or not, I can’t imagine the pain she felt since she showed up at the office this morning.

I know that if I thought Ali had just tossed me aside and that our entire relationship had been a lie, my heart would be broken. The fact that this is my fault, all because I wanted to surprise her with something that would make her life better, is the real kicker.

I feel absolutely terrible and step on the gas.

A few minutes later, I’m pulling up in front of Mel’s house, my heart pumping hot blood through my veins.

Christ, what have I done? All I wanted to do was make her life better—make her happy. Now I’ve gone and screwed everything up. All I can do now is pray that things aren’t beyond repair.

I’m at the door to Mel’s apartment within seconds and knocking on the door.

Like last time, I hear the sound of what must be Mel’s footsteps coming to answer. She’s doing what good friends do—protecting her friend—only nothing will keep me from making amends with my love tonight. She deserves to hear the explanation for what happened, and I’m going to give it to her. And nothing, no one, is going to stop me.

Sure enough, Mel opens the door, a grim, frowning expression on her face.

“Well, look who it is,” she says like a mother whose child has just come home three hours after curfew. “I have to say, I didn’t expect you to show up.”

“It’s not what you think, Mel—”

“Oh, no? Your other date for tonight cancel on you?”

“There was no other date for tonight,” I reply firmly. “I’m not some player or whatever you think I am. Whatever you think happened did not happen, okay? Where’s Ali? I need to explain—”

“There’s no way I’m letting you talk to her, dude,” Mel scoffs, stone-faced, clearly enjoying her power in this situation. “You already fucked her up once. If you think I’m going to let you do it again, you’re crazy.”

“It was all just a big mistake, Mel, okay?”

“You’re damn right it was!?” she snaps back.

“No, I mean an actual mistake!” I have to stop myself from yelling at her I’m so passionate right now. “I was going to surprise her. I got tied up at work and lost my fucking phone in the concrete!”

“Stop with the bullshit, Zander.”

“Look, just get her out here, okay?” I am on the verge of breaking down and pleading. My heart is aching. I’ve never felt like this before. My need for Ali is all I can feel right now. If I don’t see her soon, I’m going to lose control. “Just get her out here so I can explain it all. I promise I’m not lying. You’ll see. You’ll both see!”

“Absolutely not,” Mel replies. “She was crying earlier, Zander. I just got her calmed down. If you saw that, you’d understand why I’m not bringing her out here to risk putting her through that again—”

“It’s okay, Mel.” Ali emerges from behind Mel, and something inside me leaps for joy. I want to dash past Mel and throw my arms around her, but I force myself to stay where I am. Ali focuses her eyes on me, and if looks could kill… “A mistake, huh?”

“Yes!” I reply. “Ali, I knew that things were complicated for you working at my company – that my guys would be constantly hitting on you—”

“Like Brian you mean?” She’s scowling. There’s something in her eyes.