I’d lose my home. A magic-less witch couldn’t inherit. The estate would go to one of my stepsisters, I guessed. I didn’t even know where I’dgo.

A magic-less witch was nothing. Worse thannothing.

“No,” Phil said firmly. “You’re not losing anything. I refuse to allow it. We just have to consider the situationthoroughly.”

“There’s nothing to consider,” I said. “I need a witching man as my consort, to complete that magical bond and show my commitment, or my spark will neverlight.”

I paused, a memory tugging at me. Except… maybe it had lit, just a little, once already. With a man who had nothing to do with witching atall.

Chapter Fifteen


Iknew how a seduction was supposed to work. I’d read enough of those scenes in the copious novels I’ddevoured.

Put on some slinky clothes that showed off however much cleavage was just slightly inappropriate for the time period. Primp hair and dab on some alluring perfume. Then head over to that guy ready to knock his socksoff.

What those books hadn’t generally mentioned was how awkward you could end up feeling wearing clothes both fancier and more revealing than your usual casual blouses and jeans. Or how easy it was to overdo it on the perfume when you pretty much never wore thestuff.

After several changes and a lot of hasty wrist scrubbing, I was here. Standing in the stairwell beneath Seth’s apartment, one of the two that sat on top of his dad’s hardware store. Smelling mostly of my usual soap, but at least I didn’t smellbad. The silky V-neck blouse and somewhat more modest skirt I’d finally settled on still felt out of place on me, but nowhere near as out of place as the dresses I’d considered, so I’d call that awin.

But I was having an awful lot of trouble convincing my legs to climb thosestairs.

“I look okay, right?” I said toPhilomena.

She tipped her head with an amused smile. “You look lovely, Rose. My little girl, all grownup.”

I rolled my eyes at her, and she giggled. Then she swatted me with her fan. “Well, are you going up there ornot?”

I dragged in a breath. “Do you think I’m doing the rightthing?”

“Darling, I think the only one who can answer that isyou.”

“I have to know. I can’t make any decisions if I don’tknow.”

“Well, there you go. Consider how many men I’ve kissed just to find out if I found the experience worthwhile. You’ve got much more urgent reasons than I everdid.”

Even though she was only in my head, it was comforting having her there with me. Which was why it stung a little for me to say, “All right. I think you’d better give us a little, ah,privacy.”

“Why, of course. A lady wouldn’t intrude.” She fluttered her fan and her eyelashes. “But I do want to hearallthe details when I see younext.”

I was doing this. Yes, I was. One step, and then another, and then another. My hand settled over my opposite wrist, where I’d wrapped today’s ribbon. Green, for Seth’s steadiness and strength. I could use some of that for myself right now, ohyeah.

My heart thumped faster. Those stairs passed by far too quickly. Just like that, I was stopping in front of the apartmentdoor.

He was going to think I’d gone crazy. Or pity me.Or—

No. I’d seen the way he looked at me when we were alone in Master Cortland’s house. I might not be experienced, but I was pretty sure I could recognize desire when it was written all over someone’sface.

When I felt it echoing through me at the sametime.

I raised my hand andknocked.

At first there was nothing on the other side. Then hesitant footsteps brushed across the floor. Seth eased open thedoor.

He was wearing glasses I’d never seen before. Rounded rectangular frames, a glint of glass over his gray-green eyes. Eyes that were blinking at me inconfusion.

“Rose?” he said. “Why are you— Did something happen? Are you allright?”