“I think so,” I said. “I think I might know where we can find some answers. Are you well enough totravel?”
Nate pushed himself slowly but steadily to his feet. “I am if that’s what we need to do. Whathappened?”
“I’m… not completely sureyet.”
Marco sauntered into the room, his stance casual but his indigo eyes sharply alert. West stalked in a moment later with Aaron close behindhim.
As they all came to a halt around me, a tremor passed through the air. It quivered over my skin, stealing my breath just for a second. This was the first time my alphas and I had all been in the same space with our bonds confirmed. The power of it hummed between us, almostelectric.
I obviously wasn’t the only one who could feel it. Marco smirked and cut his gaze toward West. “I take it you finally figured out how to remove your head from yourass.”
The wolf shifter bared his teeth a sliver, but he couldn’t seem to help smiling when his eyes rested on me. So this was what it really felt like, being the dragon shifter. Being the hub that held the shifter community together. The sensation was exhilarating and a little frightening at the sametime.
“What’s going on, Serenity?” Aaronasked.
I groped after the impression that had made me call for them. “The dragon shifter estate. You’ve been there at some point, haven’t you? What color are the wallsinside?”
My mates looked puzzled. “From what I can remember, they’re green,” Nate said. “Most of them, anyway.Why?”
“This feeling came over me just a few minutes ago,” I said. “Like the visions my mother left for me—or the one I had of how she died. I saw a door in what I think was the dragon shifter’s estate. It felt like home. And the colormatches.”
“A door,” West repeated, giving me space to goon.
“I got the impression I’m meant to open it. Now that… Now that I’m completely bonded with all of you. That there’s something on the other side I need, something intended for every dragon shifter. What if it’s something that could help us against thevampires?”
The guys exchanged a glance. “That estate does hold secrets only the dragon shifters have ever understood,” Aaron said. “When I visited with the alpha who mentored me, there was a whole section of the house we weren’t allowed into. The records we have of the dragon shifter line have always beentenuous.”
“What are you suggesting, princess?” Marco said. “Time for a fieldtrip?”
I nodded. “I have to go, to find out what’s there. The rest ofyou…”
“We’re coming,” West said firmly. “My lieutenants can keep our preparations going here, and lead our defenses if need be. Leaving you unguarded could be exactly what the vampires are waiting for. There’s a jet here. We can be at your estate by the earlyafternoon.”
That was all I’d needed to hear. I let out my breath. “Then let’s get on thatplane.”
Chapter 11
Kylie drapedherself across her seat on the private jet with a pleased sigh. “I could totally get used to this kind of luxury. Forget flying coach everagain.”
I laughed. “I think most of the time we’ll drive places. But the shifter cars I’ve been in have been pretty nice too. The jets are foremergencies.”
“Very, very comfortable emergencies,” my best friend declared, snuggling deeper into the smooth leather. “I’ve got no idea what those vampires could have been complaining about. Shifters know how to liveright.”
There’d been no way I was leaving Kylie behind again, not with another vampire attack on the horizon. And it wasn’t as if she’d have let me anyway. I’d barely managed to tell her I’d decided I needed to visit the dragon shifter estate before she’d been grabbing the suitcase she’d brought from New York and announcing she was ready togo.
I thought she might even have convinced the attendants to haul that flame-thrower of hers into the cargo hold. But Aaron had looked over everything, and if he didn’t think it was likely to blow us up, I guessed I shouldn’tworry.
“There are some benefits to being in with the shifters, huh?” Felix said with a light grin. West had brought a few of his kin along for the ride to help set my former home in order after all those years of disuse. The fennec fox had settled himself into one of the seats across from us. At first I’d assumed his choice was a coincidence, but seeing the way his eyes gleamed watching Kylie, I wasn’t so sureanymore.
“Oh, I can think of lots of reasons to stick around,” Kylie said, grinning back. She ticked off her fingers. “Lots of feasts. Super comfy guest rooms. The company of my best friend, of course. And let’s not forget all the amazing eyecandy.”
Had my bestie just… fluttered her eyelashes a little at Felix? And was heblushing? A hint of red had definitely colored the fox shifter’s cheeks. He swept back his tawny hair, playing casual. “Sounds like you’re exactly where you need to be,then.”
“Oh, I’m sure ofthat.”
“We have a lot more fun when there aren’t vamps trying to massacre us. You should come back to the estate after we’ve crushedthem.”