Page 8 of Cross my Heart

“And you don’t want in mine?”

Being that I’m quite a bit taller than her, I bend at the knees, putting us at the same height, and give her earlobe a nip before promising, “Baby, I’d rather have yououtof them.”

“Why is that so hot?” She mumbles.

“But first, we date.”

Chapter Seven


April 19th…

Due to Curtis’ hours at the pub, our first official date, though he insists it’s more like the tenth, is breakfast at Ella’s Eats.

After he’d asked me out, he’d declared that he wanted to do this right, which included picking me up at my place. You’d think him holding the door for me, assisting me in his car, putting his hand on the small of my back to lead me inside the diner, etc., would be him pulling out all the stops to woo me. But I disagree. I believe it’s just an innate part of him, yet it doesn’t make me feel any less special.

As eager as I am to spend time with him, I’m also scared to because I know the more I do, the deeper I’m in. It was hard enough when it was indirectly, but now, sitting across from him, Ella standing there grinning at us and clapping her hands in excitement…I’m not sure I’ll survive.

At least, not entirely whole.

Then again, maybe I wasn’t to begin with and Curtis is the person that will change that. Does that make me as bad as my parents?

“What would ya’ like, hon?” Ella asks, sending me a concerned glance like she’d been privy to my thoughts and knows I need an escape from them. I give her a smile in thanks, her nod making me wonder if she actually can read minds, and order the Belgian waffles. I’ve been working my way through the menu, and they’re next on my list. “Whipped cream?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?” She winks, then waits for Curtis to give his.

“That sounds good,” he says, then once more looks at the options. As he does, the tip of his tongue peeks adorably from the corner of his mouth. I don’t know if that’s a quirk of his, but I suddenly want to find out. And that’s when the epiphany strikes.

Am I really going to let people who were never part of my lifedetermineit? They already cost me so much, why would I let them ruin what could be with Curtis?


I don’t know what caused the defining moment, the almost imperceptible shift in Cydne, but I saw it happen. Saw it in her eyes. As we sat there, waiting for Ella to bring our food, she’d come to a decision that seemed to set the course for the rest of our date. One that I’d discover would continue to do so for every day after that.

Following our delicious meal, I’d taken her hand and we’d walked around the town, my reasoning twofold.

I wasn’t ready to let her go yet, wanting to delay our parting as long as possible before I had to clock in. Also, I wanted the residents to see us. To know that their plan worked. They knew we belong together, and, if I’m being honest with myself, I did, too, the night I took her home. But I needed to make sure Cydne felt it as well.

And now, because of that switch being flipped, I know she does.

Which is why I don’t feel in the least self-conscious when I lead her to the bakery and pick up the cake I’d requested.

“Little early for dessert, isn’t it?”

“Is it ever?”

“That’s a very convincing argument. Ever thought of being a lawyer?” She jests.

“Been there, done that.”

“Wait, what? For real?” I nod, my grip instinctively tightening, seeking reassurance. Understanding.

“It’s not a pretty tale,” I admit.

“But it’s yours,” she quietly informs me.

“You want to hear it?” She nods, so I give it to her, ending with, “If I hadn’t left when I did under my own steam, I have no doubt I would’ve been carried out in a box.”