He flinches as the door flies open, and Aiden walks in, covered in blood. He freezes when he sees me, alarmed. But I beckon him in, not taking my eyes off Declan.

“I don’t need a fucking disclaimer, kid. Spill it.”

He swallows. “Belsky definitely killed Paul Polansky. We overheard him bragging to one of his security guards. He was saying awful things. Like how they dragged him from his bed—”

When Declan flinches again, it’s because I slam my fist against the table, frustrated.

“My wife, kid,” I growl, popping all my knuckles in an attempt to find even the tiniest bit of release. “Has Belsky said anything about Romy?”

“Uh, I haven’t seen anything,” he says, bottom lip wobbling. Pushing his glasses up his nose, he darts his eyes back to his screen, scanning frantically. “I’ll check right now.”

At the cleaning station in the corner, the tap stops running. When I glance up at Aiden, we lock eyes.


“May I talk freely, boss?”

I arch an eyebrow and wait.

He clears his throat. “I always thought it a little strange that Romy killed English when you were in a meeting with Belsky. Same hotel, same time…it all just seemed a bit off.”

Great. One of my men who’s been punched in the head so many times he has permanent concussion came to that conclusion long before I did.

“Get to the point, Aiden.”

He drops his bloodied rubber gloves in the trash. “Remember in the security room, when we could see Belsky’s driver on the phone? Talking in Russian? Well, you asked me to find a way to record it…”

My heart skips a beat. “And did you?”

With a wince, he says, “Yeah, but not very professionally, I’m afraid. I just recorded the screen with my phone.”

I snap my fingers for his cell and toss it to Declan. “Get your translator on this immediately.”

Leaping to my feet, I storm out of the office and into the heart of the Tunnels, following the screams that sound like they come from the deepest part of the soul. Whoever is being punished, I’ll finish the job myself. No gloves, no weapons; I need the distraction of feeling warm flesh tear under my cold knuckles.