Page 6 of Bred and Butter


I’m an asshole. I mean, I’ve never been a perfect man and been called worse names on occasion, but never before had I earned it like I did last night. I totally blew it with Ronnie. But what the actual fuck. Trying to get pregnant? And she said it like it was no big deal, all while stroking my Johnson.

I pull at my hair, frustrated with my own actions. The worst part of all is that it’s the only thing I can think about and what I dreamed about when I did manage to sleep.

Her round, glowing with a baby. Swollen breasts and thicker thighs.

The mental picture assaulted me every time I closed my eyes.

What had she said when I freaked out? Fuck I should have stayed and said something to smooth this over. The whole point of being here in Texas was to help her. How do I expect her to listen to me now? She’s going to hate me even more. I’ve been expecting a phone call from Dominic, or at the very least Sophie, to chew me out. This silence feels worse, I have no idea what I’m walking into today, but my gut fills with dread. Reluctantly sitting my finished coffee in the sink of my small rental apartment, I make my way to shower and dress. Hopefully, I’ll come up with the right things to say by the time I see her.

But those magic words never come; instead, when I walk into Bake Love to Me, she’s taking charge of the staff and putting them to work recreating a new recipe. Her voice is strong and doesn’t falter in the least. Already she sounds more commanding than yesterday. And her body. Today she’s wearing a tight white t-shirt and a loose-fitting pink skirt. It makes her look sweet, but after last night and how her body responded to mine, I know she’s a lot more than sweet as sugar. She’s spicy like ghost pepper, and I better watch my measuring. With her back to me, I selfishly take a moment to admire her.

She’s going to make a great mom. Both commanding and gentle, she takes the time to explain things to the young girl that’s back. Liberty, I think her name was. I disagree with her decision to keep her around, but I will respect it. This is her kitchen, her ass on the line if the place fails. And her livelihood for her growing family.

Jealousy rears its ugly head as I think about the man who has the honor of fathering her child. It’s nothing that I’ve thought about in my own life. Always dedicating myself to building my empire. Here now, it stands in over a dozen states. Things are slower for me these days. That’s why I could drop everything, move to this city, and volunteer my time.

Her surprised gasp snaps me out of my rambling thoughts. She quickly turns, clearly not wanting to be near me. She starts for the back.

“Can I have a moment of your time?” I almost call her chef to make her blush but think better. If she didn’t, that would crush me. I’m a selfish bastard and can’t stop wanting her even though I know I can’t.

Her nod is forced, but she plasters on a fake smile as I follow behind her. She’s mad at me. I have to fix this. Make her smile. God, what is wrong with me? I’ve never cared about hurting someone’s feelings before. It feels shitty.

“I’m sorry.” I blurt as soon as the door closes behind her. We’re alone in her office. It’s neat and orderly. Simple but underrated. Just like her. An up-and-coming powerhouse spreading her wings for the first time. I can’t wait to see what she does with the place. But if I don’t fix things between us, I never will. I drop to my knees when she folds her arms in anger. I need to get her attention. Work at proving myself, so I can get back in her good graces and maybe find a way to be friends.

“I didn’t know you were with anyone, and if I’m honest, the thought made me furious. As the world knows, I don’t handle my anger well, so I bolted, and I feel like a fucking asshole for leaving you like that. I started things, and I’m...”

She cuts me off. “I’m not with anyone.”

It takes a minute for her words to sink in, and even when they do, I’m left confused.

“What? But you said you were...”

“You’re being a pig and assuming a woman can’t start a family on her own. I can and I will if I so choose. The intimate moment called for honesty, so I told you the truth instead of receiving your baby batter.”

My breathing is heavy as the force of her words hits me, and every muscle in my body is tense. Against my zipper, my dick strains painfully as I watch her control this conversation like a fucking queen. Turning me on while demanding my respect, and the only thing I can think about is getting inside her and giving her my baby. As she shouts at me, I envision her with a growing belly. Her body was a vision last night, but the mere thought of her being pregnant with my child has come leaking from my crown with excitement.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yes. No.” I shake my head and look up at her, defeated. “I’m sorry I’m still processing you’re not having another man’s baby.”

“Well, I am as soon as I choose a donor. I am going to have a baby all on my own. That goes for getting this location off the ground and successful, and I take my job very seriously. Now you know my secret, and I would appreciate it if this stays between us.”


“Excuse me?”

Her face is beet red with anger.

I take a deep breath and a huge leap. “Have my baby. Run this location and raise our child. I have no doubt you will make an excellent mother, Ronnie. I never considered having a family with all the demands of my career, but you’ve changed that for me, and now all I see is you with my baby every time I close my eyes. I’ve only wanted one other thing so much in my whole damn life.”

Suddenly all color leaves her face as she stares speechless. That’s ok. I have a lot to say.

“Hear me out. I don’t want to freak you out. I’m not proposing marriage. I’d be happy with a date but let me make myself very clear.”

I finally take to my feet, towering over her while I lay my shit on the line.

“I want you. Want you filled so full of my come you have fucking twins. I want my seed to run down your leg because your pussy can’t hold all of me. And I’ll keep you that way.”

“But why?” She asks breathlessly, staring at me with a storm of emotions in her piercing gray eyes.

“You deserve the fucking world, angel, and if you want a baby, I want one too.”

“I don’t understand.”

Taking her soft cheek in my hand, I lick my lips and speak as clearly as possible, trying to express my feelings.

“I’ve wanted you since we met, and the thought of having a family with you is intoxicating. I want to build a future like that together. I want inside you, and I never want to leave. This is a lot of talk, I know, but I have every intention of showing you how much this means to me if you’ll let me. If you want me to?”

Time seems to stop, but I swear I see fire in her eyes as they bounce between each of mine. She’s still unsure if she should believe me. I stay frozen where I stand until she lifts on her toes and presses her lips to mine. Then we unleash on each other. Our teeth clank, nipping our lips as our tongues fight for dominance. The way she takes what she wants fills me with pride, and I plan to reward her generously.