Page 9 of Bred and Butter


The food tonight has been amazing, but all I want to do is taste Ronnie’s lips again.

Vigo Manning, a world-renowned chef, and personal friend of mine, or rather a former friend, is currently fawning over my date as I sit here at his five-star restaurant’s VIP table, gritting my molars. He knows he’s pissing me off. The smirk he throws me gives him away.

“Such soft skin. You’re a lucky man, amigo.”

“Stop touching.”

He laughs at my possessive tone but thankfully drops her hand. “I’ll let you two get back to your evening. Dinner is on me, my friend.”

I don’t even have the willpower to acknowledge my friend as he waves goodbye with a knowing smile. Ronnie smiles bashfully at me through long eyelashes. Almost innocent but sexy as fuck.

“It meant nothing to me.” She jokes in a dramatic tone that lightens my mood instantly.


“Don’t be. I like it.”

If I weren’t already straining against my pants, I am now.

“Fuck Ronnie.” I shake my head. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

She doesn’t reply, but something about the change in her expression makes me feel like she understands. Like maybe she feels this too. This insane connection and primal need. It’s not a subtle smile but beaming white teeth and a heated expression.

“Maybe not, but that’s why I’m here, right? To figure out why in the world a man like you would want to be the father to my child.”

“A man like me?” I know my reputation, but I’m dying to know what she thinks of me.

“I mean a celebrity. A Billionaire. Someone who just met me but is willing to commit to a family. You can’t blame me for thinking this is too good to be true.”

Shrugging, I do my best to explain myself. Hopefully, somehow, I can show her I mean what I’m saying.

“I don’t have any of the answers you want to hear. Never in my life have I thought about having a family until I met you. Since the age of eight and I was tall enough to learn how to turn on an oven, I’ve been cooking. I worked my life away, slaving for this empty celebrity life. Now that I know you’re in this world, I can’t just go back to living without your sunshine. And since the moment you told me about trying to get pregnant, I can’t stop thinking about being the one to give you a baby. To start a family together and grow old with you.”

“This is just happening so fast.”

“Trust me, I know. I don’t understand it, but I will prove it. Every day for the rest of your life. If you’ll have me.”

“I want that…” she nods, “…but what does that mean? What does that life look like?”

“You and me together. You, big and round with my baby. Every day doing life together. Waking early to work at the bakery and cooking together every night at home. Creating new concepts together for my restaurants. Changing diapers and washing bottles. You name it, I’m in.”

“I’m going to breastfeed. Sorry, I just blurted that out, but I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I really want to breastfeed.”

The thought has my cock hard as steel. That’s not normal. Something is wrong with me. What is it about her full of milk that has me so wound up instantly?

“I love that idea.” It’s the truth, and I know she means for the baby's health, but all my dick will let me think about is putting her nipples in my mouth.

“Why don’t I make you dessert at my place?”

She nods, and I grab her hand, pulling her out of the chair and laying cash on the table for the server. Vigo knows his meals at Kraze are on me in favor of tonight. Where’s the fun in having a restaurant if you can’t feed your friends whenever they want?

The drive to my place is short. It’s small and nothing fancy like the home I just sold in Las Vegas. Suddenly as I follow her inside the small apartment I rented to be here, I’m struck with regret. When the real estate agent offered me this place or a big house near the city park square, I picked this place because I can walk to work if I need to. Now I wish I had something bigger and better to offer her. Wait, am I offering her something? Shit, this new turn of events has my mind boggled. I’m still reeling from the fact she’s here at all but also willing to give me a chance at fatherhood. It’s all more than I could have hoped for.

“I like your place,” she whispers in the dark.

I laugh, turning on all the overhead lights. “Thanks. It’s not permanent. I can upgrade at any time for something bigger.”