
Deep asleep I’m jolted awake by the sound of my phone blaring. Scared that something is wrong I pick up before looking at the caller.


“Hey, Charlie, thanks so much for answering. I know its late and I apologize for this. It’s Ryan by the way. I can’t get ahold of Marcus, and the guys have gotten themselves arrested. I would go get them like I always do, but I’m up in Los Angeles. Could you find it in your heart to bail out the poor saps? I spoke with the station, and no one is pressing any charges. I paid the bond already, but they need a signature and someone sober to take them home and keep them out of trouble.”

“What did they do?” I’m so out of it, I think I might still be sleeping. The band is in jail?

“Just a little scuffle at a local bar there. Nothing serious. Truth be told the officer sounded very eager to get them out. I assume Bandit is charming his way around and generally annoying everyone.”

“Oh my gosh.”

“I know this is a big ask, Charlie, and I’m sorry to ask it, but I don’t want them to have to sleep in some cold cell. Please. Consider it a personal favor, and you can cash it in whenever you need anything.”

“Grrrr. Fine. I’ll go get them,” I say and rub the sleep out of my eyes, knowing I have to wake up.

“Thank you, Charlie! You’re a saint!”

I drag myself out of bed. I only had one beer and had to leave because this guy, Tyler something or other, wouldn’t leave me alone. I was hoping Hudson and I were good enough friends for him to realize I needed an out but no such luck; he was too busy flirting with some bimbo to help a girl out. Yet here I am, getting myself dressed at four o’clock in the freakin’ morning to bail him out of jail; now that is a true friend. Me, he sucks big donkey balls in my book right now.

Once in my jeans and a holey old gray t-shirt, I order a large enough Uber and wait. I start a pot of coffee for the guys and lay out breakfast sausage to thaw. I may be a little upset, but I’m not about to send the drunks to bed hungry. I may kill them with my cooking, but they will have full bellies.

I pull up to the station and sign for each one of the dumb kids. Hudson is very unhappy to see me, but I roll my eyes and shove them all into the back of the van. I end up half on Nick’s lap and squished against the door, but we make it home and I tell them I’m making breakfast. I’m surprised when Nick literally has to force Hudson into my apartment, but I promised myself after the other night, I won’t let my feelings be so easily hurt. I go about frying up some eggs, sausage, and bacon, throw some waffles into the toaster, and pour everyone a cup of coffee, all while ignoring him. They all chow down, eating everything with too much butter and syrup.

“Thank you so much, Charlie! Seriously, I was getting the worst back ache in that fucking cell. Thank you for rescuing us.” Nick bats his long eyelashes at me playfully, and I laugh.

“Yeah, yeah.” I wave a hand at him.

“No, dude, for real. Most chicks would be pissed right now, not making us breakfast. We really appreciate it, Charlie, so know if you ever need a favor, let Headspace know; we owe you one.”

“If I ever get arrested, I will be sure you are the first person I call Bandit.” I look at him seriously because this is the most serious I have ever seen him, but it just makes him laugh because he still sees me as a goody-goody, which I guess I am because I’m not going to be in any bar fights any time soon.

“Yeah, thanks, Charlie. You’re a bonified member of Headspace from here on out.” Bryon comes around the island where I’ve been perched on the counter and gives me a hug. He’s so tall I don’t even have to hop down.

“Yeah, man, you’re welcome. Don’t worry about it,” I say, honestly not upset anymore. His words were very kind, and I don’t take them lightly. I take the compliment for what it is and even feel honored.

Bryon nods and he retreats toward the door. “We’ll go and let you get some sleep. Hopefully Marcus takes pity on us and lets us get some sleep today. Good night.”

“Good night.” I wave as they all head out, everyone saying good night except Hudson who seems eerily stuck in his own head and leaves without so much as a nod my direction.

I clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes by hand and lay them on the rack. I’m turning off all the lights when I hear a knock on the door. I turn the living room lamp off and hit the kitchen back on again so I can see. Opening the door, I don’t expect to see Hudson, but here he is leaning on the doorframe, locking me in. I stare and wait for him to say something. When he doesn’t, I get a bit annoyed and go to close the door, but he stops me and takes a deep breath.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I’m not sure why this is so hard for him. He’s making it so dramatic, and I don’t see what the big deal is. Of course, I bailed him out. Not a single part of me considered leaving him there.

“I’m sorry it ruined your date.”

“My date? What date?” I asked dumbfounded and blink in surprise.

“With the guy from the bar; sorry we interrupted.”

“You are the densest man I have ever met,” I say in total shock. “I was trying my best to politely ask that guy to leave me alone, and he wouldn’t. I even gave you the look of help, and you ignored me for the big-boobed bimbo. I called an Uber, and he insisted he walk me out. Even had the nerve to try and ‘share’ it.” I say with air quotes. My irritation rises with his smile.

“What in the hell are you smiling at?”

“Nothing. Just so thankful you bailed us out. Thanks again,” he says, retreating backwards and trying to mask his smile between his teeth. He makes it to his door without noticing me glaring daggers at him. When he turns to look, I slam my door loud enough to make my point of irritation clear.

Feeling extremely annoyed, I decide to mess with him. I know the setup to these apartments puts his room right next to mine, so I decide to take that smile right off his smug face.

Up in the top of my closet I find a big old boom box, one I’ve had for a decade, and the only music I have is an old Spice Girls cassette tape. Perfect.

I set it right up against the wall, turn the volume up just enough, and push play. I crawl back into my bed with an evil smile and slip in my earplugs left over from a concert and happily drift off to sleep.