
Charlotte’s been avoiding me and after Bandit’s genius comment, I don’t even know what to say. I can only hope she’ll forgive me for my ignorant friend and join me today. I’ve asked a friend if she could have a go at the crowd and he said yes, but they have too much talent as it is. It’s nothing like London; the acts here in California are all very talented.

I pace the sidewalk in front of our building, sending her yet another message. She’s been so distant since the last night we spent together, and I wonder if she’s dealing with the attack or pushing me away because I’m leaving soon. Either way it hurts. I miss her like crazy, and the fact she’s practically not talking to me is driving me insane. I don’t know what I’ve done or what I can do but I would do anything if only she would tell me.

Thankfully I’m blessed with the sight of my beautiful siren in black ripped jeans and an off-the-shoulder white t-shirt. My fucking God, she is so sexy.


“Hi.” I don’t understand why I’m so nervous but seeing her after all this time she hasn’t spoken to me, has me feeling like a schoolboy about to ask out the most popular girl in school. “I’m so glad you’re coming.”

She shrugs and gives me a coy smile, then starts down the walk. I hurry to catch up and we walk together a ways in silence. Not uncomfortable, but I’ve been without her sweet voice for so long I hate it. I want to ask what I did wrong, if she’s really okay or if I need to find the guy from the bar and kill him. I want to be able to talk like we used to, to grab her precious hips and pull her lips to mine. Of course, I don’t say anything; instead, I walk beside her until we grab a cab and make our way to the other side of town.

Downtown is overwhelmed with people coming and going and we dive into the chaos, making our way to the fountain where we see people gathering. Scattered all over the shoreline, musicians and performers gather to share their art. I find Martin and he hands me an acoustic guitar and leaves his post. I get a questionable look from Charlotte and sit on the curb and start to play a song she wrote. We’ve only practiced it for fun, but it seems perfect for right now. It’s slow and as I strum the guitar, I’m worried she doesn’t want to do this, but she jumps in right in time. Coming to sit next to me, her beautiful voice blessing me, a crowd starts to form around us. I give her an encouraging and proud look and hope she understands.

When the song ends, everyone cheers and throws bills into the open guitar case that I’ve left open for Martin. We do a few covers and almost fill the case; the sun starts to set and I hear her stomach rumble.

“You were brilliant.”

“Thank you. That was so much fun.” Her smile is a happy relief and hope this is a step toward our old normal.

“Wanna grab a bite?”


I hand off the guitar and case to Martin and introduce them. She says her thanks and offers a favor if he ever needs one. He doesn’t really understand how big of a deal that is because he has no idea about my record contract or who she really is, but he takes it with a smile and thanks us for the cash. He’s surprised when we don’t take a cut and says we’re always welcome. We walk down the side of the shore and enjoy tacos and listen to the other musicians.

A woman eats fire while rollerblading and there is also a man in his knickers who juggles everything from bowling balls to chairs. It’s all entertaining but the distance between us is still there. We don’t talk much and when we do, I have to initiate it, and all too soon we’re heading to the cabs parked along the road to go home.

“Hey! Miss! Please wait!” A man’s voice comes from behind us and we turn to meet him as he runs up to us. My protective instincts kick in and I’m on high alert, cracking my knuckles as we let him catch his breath.

“Sorry. I’ve been running after you for a while. I heard your performance and wanted to know if you had or would be open to an agent to represent you and find a record deal. I truly believe you could be the next Amy Winehouse.”

She gives a small laugh and looks to me, not realizing he’s talking about her not me. A moment later it dawns on her. I know he means it as a compliment, but Amy Winehouse is not the best example. At her shocked silence he hands her his business card and tells her to at least think about it.

More silence follows us in the car, and I find myself angry because I don’t want her to call that wanker. Part of me knows that she dreams of singing her own songs and he might actually help her, but I’m pissed, as unjustified as that is. What a selfish fucking bastard I am. Charlotte deserves the world and if she wants to make a career for herself in music, then the world would be lucky to hear her. I just hate that it won’t be with me anymore.

We pull up in front of the studio and since it’s not late, we decide to head in and see what everyone is doing, which is a vast change. Usually we would sneak up to my bed and hide from everyone. Instead, she’s hiding from me and I hate it.

The boys are all fucking around in the recording studio and we pass Marcus on the way out. Ryan is here and it looks like a meeting I wasn’t privy to.

“Hey, chaps.”

“Hey, there he is. Finally, we can get started. Is your phone not working? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you all day.” Ryan starts bitching already, always the demanding dad.

“No. Sorry. Had better things to do than talk to the likes of you.” We embrace and slap one another on the back.

“Well, I have good news, you sorry sack. I scheduled you a promotional concert in LA before the album release. It’s small and exclusive and will mean a great big paycheck, but we have to leave tonight. You have a photo shoot in the morning before the event.”

“Tonight.” Fuck, I haven’t had the chance to talk to Charlotte and when I look over at her she’s staring down at the damn notebook again. I know she hears everything, but maybe she doesn’t care as much as I want her to.

The boys all hoot and holla, excited for what’s to come but I can’t help but want to run off with Charlotte so we can talk. Not that I would know what to say but I don’t want to leave like this. Things are only going to get busier and I’m set to leave this week.

I’m the last to leave the room, hoping she’ll stop me, but of course she doesn’t. I pack my bags and tidy up the flat, which already doesn’t feel like mine anymore. Much like my beautiful dream girl next door. I wonder if she’ll miss me, if she might text me now and then to see how life is. That’s what friends do, even if I never have the chance to touch her again, I pray she’ll always be my friend. I just don’t know how to ask her.

An hour later Headspace is officially back on the tour bus. We’ll be back for the launch party, but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance to tell Charlotte how much she means to me. I don’t think I realized how much until this moment. I hate that I didn’t say goodbye, but I don’t ever want to. I want her to call me and visit me and be with me. My chest hurts more than I thought it would and I keep reminding myself that I’ll be back in a few days tops, and I have until then to figure out what the hell I’m feeling and how to talk to her.